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Expert conference

The Growing Importance of the Black Sea

A conference for experts from Media, Politics and the Military

Expert conference

On the Fringes of War

Two Years into the Russian War of Aggression against Ukraine

A lot has been said about the fears of peoples in the Baltic states or in Poland, that they might be targeted next by Moscow. But have we heard about Moldova, Bulgaria or Romania?

Expert conference

20th Frankfurt Days on Media Law 2024

“Strategies against disinformation and propaganda”

Desinformation and propaganda have the potential to erode trust, exacerbate societal divides, and hinder political engagement. Over the past few years, the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine have accelerated the dissemination of misinformation. In response to this challenge, numerous countries have been developing strategies to address this issue. Notably, the European Union has implemented crucial regulations, including the Digital Services Act, and is actively pursuing additional initiatives such as the Media Freedom Act. It is necessary for the democratic societies to develop strategies to fight the spread of disinformation and propaganda while upholding the principles of free speech and independent journalism.


Adenauer Lecture

"The crisis of local journalism in Germany and beyond"

The sixth Adenauer Lecture at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" will take place on 5 December 2023 at 11:00 am.


How war and crisis reporting has changed

from Sarajevo and Rwanda to Afghanistan and Ukraine


XVII South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF)



Leseland DDR



BIRN Summer School of Investigative Reporting

Summer School of Investigative Reporting for journalists and editors from Southeast Europe


Summer School of Political Communication 2023

Training for young spokespersons and PR experts from political parties and governments in South East Europe


On the Frontline: War Journalism in the 21st Century?

KAS Partner Session at the Global Media Forum 2023

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Online Conference: Media in South East Europe during the Corona Pandemic

What is the journalists’ daily routine in time of the corona pandemic? How do the new restrictions in state of emergency influence our democracy? How do citizens react to the information overload? Willing to answer these questions, the Media Programme South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation organised its first online conference. Ten journalists from South East Europe as well as “Reporters without Borders Germany” took part in it, commented the situation in their countries and shared experience with colleagues from the region.


Tracking down the truth: Fact-checkers in South East Europe

How do journalists in Europe deal with so-called fake news and disinformation? Which tools can they use to verify text and audio-visual media content? For the first time, the Media Programme South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) organised a workshop regarding the topic of fact-checking on the 18th of February in Tirana, Albania.


New media projects on the way towards implementation in South East Europe

For the sixth time the Media Programme South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) organised a workshop on the topic of "Entrepreneuri-al Journalism" in Bucharest (Romania) from 10th to 13th December 2019. The participants were ten young journalists from Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia who developed ideas for their own online projects.


Premiere: "Adenauer Lecture" at the University of Sofia

At the invitation of the Media Programme South East Europe the Head of the capital studio and Chief Correspondent of the public service "Deutschlandradio", Stephan Detjen, reported on his experiences in the professional field between journalism and politics.


Journalists in South East Europe show fighting spirit and courage for change

At the XIII. „South East Europe Media Forum“ (SEEMF) in Zagreb challenges for public service and print media as well as possible solutions for the future were discussed

Better Communication for More Trust in the Age of Populism

At the KAS/SEECOM conference in Belgrade the challenges of political communication and improved cooperation between journalists and spokespersons were discussed


New perspectives for public service broadcasting on the Balkans

KAS workshop with media experts from SEE in Tirana. Their conclusion: The legislation for public service media in the most countries of South East Europe could be a good basis for an independent journalistic work, in favor of democracy. What looks good in theory, however, often fails in reality due to obscure structures, political influence and, in many cases, financing dependable on the state.

N-ost media conference "off the beaten track"

The Network for Reporting on Eastern Europe (n-ost) hosted the media conference "off the beaten track" in cooperation with KAS Media Programme South East Europe.

The KAS Media Programme South East Europe at 11. Global Investigative Journalism Conference (GIJC)

At the invitation of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe, 18 investigative journalists from the region attended the 11th Global Investigative Journalism Conference (GIJC).

KAS brings the approach of Constructive Journalism for the first time to the Balkans

The Media Programme South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) organised from 16th to 19th September for the first time a workshop on Constructive Journalism in Prishtina/Kosovo. The seminar was hosted in cooperation with the “Constructive Institute” based in Aarhus/Denmark.