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Event Reports

Media in search of future-oriented solutions

by Ivanina Georgieva

Adenauer Media Online Training on Constructive Journalism

Tatjana Ljubic and Stefan Janjic presented areas of possible practice and explained the differences to traditional news reporting.

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"In order to inform oneself properly, one has to look at both sides of the coin. One should not leave out the uncomfortable negative facts when reporting, nor should one only emphasise on the positive aspects. Balance, comprehensibility as well as solution orientation and a look into the near future are required in constructive journalism," explained trainer Tatjana Ljubic.

Constructive journalism is not a form of positive psychology or utopian fantasy of the present and the future, but the possibility of finding a new, solution-oriented approach to the already known and also to new topics and problems. Comparison is particularly important in the constructive approach. In order to be able to report as objectively as possible, different references should be consulted. The more references, the more objective and comprehensive the reporting. Coach Stefan Janjic emphasised that caution is required especially when comparing figures and statistics and at the same time relations should always be taken into account.

During the training, the differences between investigative and constructive journalism were elaborated. Useful online tools, platforms for professional networking within the media branch and information databases were also presented. It became clear that personal contact and an international network are always advantageous for one's own research and reporting.

Finally, the participants had the opportunity to apply techniques and approaches of constructive journalism on the basis of current reporting examples and to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this form of journalistic work. 

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