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Nuclear Risk Reduction: Myths and Realities?

The Multilateral Dialogue of the KAS in Vienna, together with Atomic Reporters, invites you to an online discussion on Nuclear Risk Reduction: Myths and Realities?


Die internationale Ordnung in Bewegung: Vordenker:innenkreis der New School of Multilateralism


3. Termin: Geopolitische Herausforderungen und Welt-Netz-Ordnung im Entstehen


Wiener Dialog zur Zukunft Europas 2023

Potenziale deutsch-österreichischer Kooperation zum Umgang Europas mit den Folgen des Klimawandels

Von 17. bis 18. April veranstalten wir in Kooperation mit der Universität Passau den Wiener Dialog 2023.


fully booked

The Future of Multilateralism in the Context of changing Geopolitics

Expert Workshop


The End of Strategic Nuclear Arms Control? Future of New START?

Online-Event: Multilateral Dialogue KAS Vienna and Atomic Reporters

The Multilateral Dialogue of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Vienna, together with Atomic Reporters, invites you to an online discussion on The End of Strategic Nuclear Arms Control? Future of New START?


Preparing for NPT PrepCom I: Talk with Ambassador Jarmo Viinanen (Finland), Chair-designate

Online-Event: Multilateral Dialogue KAS Vienna and Atomic Reporters

The Multilateral Dialogue of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Vienna, together with Atomic Reporters, invites you to the online discussion “Preparing for NPT PrepCom I” with the Chair-designate, Ambassador Jarmo Viinanen (Finland).


IAEA Safeguards and Naval Nuclear Propulsion

The Multilateral Dialogue KAS, together with Atomic Reporters, invites you to an online discussion on "IAEA Safeguards and Naval Nuclear Propulsion".

Expert conference

II. Vienna Dialogue on Climate and Security

The second “Vienna Dialogue on Climate and Security” will take place on 4th November 2022.

Established by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Multilateral Dialogue in 2021, the format will provide a platform for open discussion of several OSCE-delegations and experts of various backgrounds how climate change affects the security in the OSCE-region.


The Tenth NPT Review Conference: Assessment and Looking Forward to 2026

The Multilateral Dialogue KAS, together with Atomic Reporters, invites you to an online discussion on "The Tenth NPT Review Conference: Assessment and Looking Forward to 2026"


The Tenth NPT Review Conference: Reflections of President Gustavo Zlauvinen

The Multilateral Dialogue KAS, together with Atomic Reporters, invites you to an online discussion on "The Tenth NPT Review Conference: Reflections of President Gustavo Zlauvinen".

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Study Programme “The Atomic Legacy 2024: Energy, Deterrence, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament”

From July 2nd to 6th, the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Vienna hosted 13 participants from 12 countries across 4 continents for the 3rd edition of its annual Study Programme “The Atomic Legacy 2024: Energy, Deterrence, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament”.

Europa-Forum Wachau 2024 "Rebooting Europe"

Das 28. Europäische Forum Wachau fand in diesem Jahr vom 20. bis 22. Juni in Krems an der Donau und im Stift Göttweig statt.

Dienen – wofür? Friedenssicherung im Rahmen kollektiver Sicherheitssysteme

Delegationsreise des Amtes für Heeresentwicklung der Deutschen Bundeswehr

New School of Multilateralism – Viennese Circle

Sharpening senses for a contemporary security thinking. (Thomas Greminger)

International order in motion: While science is taking huge steps towards solving global problems, one gets the impression that there is no comparable agreeing on and solving common objectives in the multilateral sphere and—making the situation even more precarious—that an end of talks may be expected. The independent Viennese Circle on the Future of Multilateralism (ML) under the chair of Ursula Werther-Pietsch focuses on the topic as a way to meet global challenges.

EU-AU Relations: An Outlook for the Intercontinental Partnership

Politics on Point - A Podcast by AIES Wien and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Wien

EU-ASEAN Relations: Potential for Enhanced Cooperation

Politics on Point - A Podcast by AIES Wien and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Wien

EU-US Relations: A Solid Alliance in a Shifting Global Landscape?

Politics on Point - A Podcast by AIES Wien and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Wien

Ein deutsch-deutsches Schickal

Lesung von Autorin und Zeitzeugin Marie-Luise Knopp

Am 22. Juni 2023 las Marie-Luise Knopp aus ihrem neusten Buch "Ein Blick hinter Mauern".

Europa-Forum Wachau 2023

Die KAS war dieses Jahr wieder Partner beim größten europapolitischen Forum Ostösterreichs.

EU-China Relations: Between Economic Competitor & Systemic Rival

Politics on Point - A Podcast by AIES Wien and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Wien

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