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Community Workshop for Women, Ohangwena Region

One World - No Hunger: Strengthening Women's Land Use and Land Ownerhsip Rights in Sub-Sahara Africa

Community Workshop for Women about Land Use and Land Ownership Rights within the special initiative "One World - No Hunger".

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Awareness creation for women in the rural area about their rights in the Namibian Constitution and the Communal Land Reform Act in a 2-days workshop. The aim of the workshop is that women in the project regions are informed about their rights, the contexts of traditional and codified law and the possible means of legal redress and begin to demand these rights

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Ohangwena – Onambutu Village


Stefanie Braun

Stefanie Braun bild

Project Manager „One World, No Hunger“ +264 61 225-568 +264 61 225-568
The participants listening to the presentations. KAS Namibia-Angola

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Women's Action For Development (WAD)