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Event Reports

Can Ethnicity, Racism and Discrimination keep Namibia together?

Part II

On the 12th of April 2016, the KAS Namibia& Angola held the second panel discussion on the topics of racism, ethnicity, tribalism and discrimination in Namibia.

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Even though these topics still play a big part in the country’s day to day life, they are hardly ever discussed openly in public. Before this background, the debate aimed to provide a public and neutral platform which would serve to identify problems as well as possible solutions and to discuss their influence on today’s society.

In this context, the KAS invited different experts in order to shed light on the various dimensions (social, political and legal) of racism, ethnicity, tribalism and discrimination. Panel speakers were

- Carola Engelbrecht (Director Cats & Activists)

- Father Lukas Katenda (Angelican Church)

- John Nakuta (Law Department UNAM)

- Hewet Beukes (WRP)

The event attracted around 100 interested participants which joined KAS at the National Theater and engaged into an animated debate with the speakers after their presentations.

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