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Event Reports

Community workshop for women in Oshikoto region

by Stefanie Braun
Already for the fourth time this year the special initiative “One World – No Hunger: Strengthening Women’s Land Use and Land Ownership Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa” headed to women in the project regions to, inter alia, make them aware of their rights in the context of the Communal Land Reform Act and provide them with concerning information material. This time the two-days community workshop took place from 24. – 25.04.2017 in the small village of Onyaana, north of Omuthiya in Oshikoto region.

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In his opening remarks, Regional Councilor Hon. Petrus Kambala emphasized that the workshop perfectly meets the needs of the community members on essential information on Human rights as well as women’s land rights and therefor thanked KAS and WAD for the conduction. The workshop especially found favour with single and married women, but also widows, some interested men, representatives of traditional authorities and the church. The helpfulness of the workshop content was confirmed when it emerged, that all participants not having land use rights yet are single women. Thus, essential education on human and women’s rights, the Namibian Constitution, the differences between traditional and codified law as well as women’s rights in the context of the Communal Land Reform Act was given. The participants had great interest in the Namibian Constitution, of which a printed version was handed out to them, and asked basic questions on the structure of the Namibian State and the composition of the Government. On the second workshop day, two participants gave an impressing recap on the previous day, which showed that the topics were obviously presented in an understandable and comprehensive way. The higher number of participants on the second day led to a distinct discussion about, inter alia, gender equality and equal treatment of men and women, especially in households. Furthermore the participants exchanged their controversial opinions on the discrimination of single men and women through customary law in terms of the allocation of land. Again this workshop was very lively and of great use for the participants which they expressed in their positive evaluations and their demand for further workshops. Special thanks to the Onyaana Constituency Council for the support in organisation and the opportunity to conduct the workshop in the community hall in Onyaana.

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