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Event Reports

Dr. Ralf Brauksiepe, MP Visiting the Palestinian Autonomous Territories

“Germany has a clear interest on bringing peace to the region“, these where the introductory words of Dr. Ralf Brauksiepe, MP, at his lecture at the Institute of Law (IoL) of Birzeit University. This lecture with the title “Germany's Role in the Middle East in the Context of the EU and G8-Presidency” was taking place within the framework of the lecture series “Legal Encounters” which is supported by KAS.

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Numerous lawyers and other interested people were highly interested in the lecture and an active discussion about the possibilities of Germany to take on the role of a facilitator in the Middle East Conflict, began.

During his stay in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories, which lasted three days, Dr. Brauksiepe got a differentiated view about the political and economic situation and got into contact with know high-ranking personalities of politics and economy.

Dr. Brauksiepe talked among others with Fuad Kokali and Bernhard Sabella, members of the Palestinian Legislative Council and Mohammad Horani, the spokesman of Fatah in the West Bank. Furthermore, he met representatives of the Palestinian economy – members of the European-Palestinian Business Council (EuPal), among them Bassem Khoury, president of the Palestinian Federation of Industries (PFI).

After a discussion with the organisation “Breaking the Silence”, which informs the Israeli and international publicity about the situation in Hebron, Dr. Brauksiepe undertook a political tour through the old city of Hebron with a briefing by the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TiPH).

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