Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Moving Beyond Conflict, Reaching Out to Asia Pacific

The Centrist Democrat International (CDI) is now expanding in the Asia Pacific Region with the formation of the Centrist Democrat International Asia Pacific (CDI-AP) that was founded in Manila, Philippines on January 2006 with the Lakas Christian Muslim Democrats of the Philippines as the host. Seven Asian political parties were the founding members, namely; Lakas Christian Muslim Democrats of the Philippines, Golkar Party of Indonesia, Thai Rak Thai Party of the Kingdom of Thailand, Funcinpec Party and Cambodian People’s Party both from the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Otan Party from Kazakstan and the Pakistan Muslim League Q from Pakistan. Moving Beyond Conflict, Reaching Out to Asia Pacific book is now available.

Radicalization of Muslim Communities in Southeast-Asia: Conference Proceedings

Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, the newly-appointed ASEAN Secretary-General, was part of the international conference organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in partnership with the Philippine Council for Islam and Democracy (PCID) and the Magbassa Kita Foundation, Inc. (MKFI), held at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Makati city last November 30-December 2, 2005.

The ACEH Peace Process and Lessons for Mindanao

Autonomy and Peace Monograph

Abhoud Syed M. Lingga, the Executive Director of the Institute for Bangsamoro Studies has undertaken a study tour to ACEH to investigate whether there are lessons to learn for the Mindanao peace process. The project was supported by the Institute for Autonomy and Governance (IAG) in Cotabato City and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

In Pursuit of the Philippine Competitive Edge: An Oral History of a Continuing Journey by 50 Wisdom-keepers

An oral history project that sought out 50 Filipino luminaries to reflect on 50 years of Philippine history that they had lived through. In random and candid musings, these men and women share their experiences, insights, analyses and judgments on their own nation and people. What this offers us today is a treasure-trove of counsel and lessons from which to draw as we confront our own issues of competitiveness.

Center and Localities: Dynamics of Intergovernmental Relations

The third Volume of the Strategic Studies Council (SSC) publication entitled, Center and Localities: Dynamics of Intergovernmental Relations, is a compilation of fifteen (15) policy papers that discusses a wide range of issues concerning the vertical and horizontal relationship between and among the national and local governments such as the need for local financial and political autonomy. Special issues on the devolved health, agricultural, and environmental services are also discussed in this publication, including issues in the government accounting system, the concept of interlocal cooperation and policy options in environmental crisis management.

International Experiences of Self-Determination

Autonomy and Peace Review

This quarterly publication of the Institute of Autonomy and Governance (IAG) with the support of KAS, is a compilation of papers presented during the International Conference on the Right to Self-Determination of Peoples of July 16-18, 2007.

Electoral Reform in the Philippines: Issues and Challenges

Dr. Clarita Carlos

A timely manual for advocates and policymakers was published before the 2007 elections. The book Electoral Reform in the Philippines: Issues and Challenges, written by Prof. Clarita Carlos in partnership with KAS and the Center of Asia Pacific Studies, proposes two alternative omnibus codes. The book analyses electoral reforms in both presidential and parliamentary systems. This comprehensive reform manual include recommendations on computerization, voters registration, advertising, pre-election surveys, campaign finance, and appreciation of the ballot and party list systems.

Making Sense of the Flat World: The Globalization Lecture Series Compendium

Strategic Perspectives for Policy Development and Advocacy

Filipinos need to understand the challenges and opportunities of globalization. The "Globalization Lecture Series Compendium: Making Sense of the Flat World" is a compilation of the 24 world-class knowledge and policy dialogues of the 70 lectures to date.

How To Win an Election: Lessons from the Experts

How to Win an Election : Lessons from the Experts is a handy campaign manual that aims to help equalize opportunity to win elective office in the Philippines. It is the result of research and in-depth interviews with select elected officials, campaign strategists, and public relations experts. Designed mainly for neophytes who want to make a difference in Philippine politics and aspire for local government and House of Representative positions, it also contains lessons for the more experienced.

MINDANAO PEACE PROCESS -- Autonomy and Peace Review A Quarterly Journal of the Institute for Autonomy and Governance

Vol. 3 Issue 1

This journal issue highlights the Mindanao peace process, particularly the different issues in the GRP-MILF talks. Benedicto Bacani offers an overview of the Mindanao peace process. Grace Jimeno-Rebollos and Jose Iribani tackle ancestral domain, considered the core of the issue. Rufa Cagoco-Guiam explore the peace process as it relates to the ARMM. Zainudin Malang points to the links between charter change and the peace negotiations. Abhoud Syed Lingga suggests a democractic track to resolve the Bangsamoro issue.