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Book presentation

Launching of the Population Book


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FVR Addressed Multisectoral crowd on Population and Development

Former President Ramos addressed over 150 leaders from the diplomatic circle, government, business, media, NGOs, and academic communities on population and development in the Philippines on August 10, 2004 at the Conservatory, Manila Peninsula Hotel. The event was the launching of the second edition of the book “The Ties that Bind: Population and Development in the Philippines” . It was the first and only book in the Philippines that establishes the relationship between population growth and the various components of economic development like housing, health, basic education, food security, government resources, poverty.

Dr. Arsenio Balisacan, Executive Director of the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture, was one of the contributing writers of the book and was the guest lecturer of the launch. He presented the findings of his study on the interplay of population with economic growth and poverty reduction. Based on the results of the econometric model, he concluded that population growth plays a critical role in the economic growth of the country as well as in reducing poverty incidence. Foregone economic growth rates due to the Philippines’ failure to adapt the population growth path of Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia were simulated.

Former President Ramos lauded the efforts of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Philippine Center for Population and Development and the AIM Policy Center for publishing such a timely book, which can contribute significantly in comprehending the population debate in the country, therefore encourage concrete steps that will address the increasing population growth rate. He challenged the organizers to make sure to get this book to the hands of the policymakers.

The book shall be re-launched at the House of Representatives on August 17, 2004 with House Speaker Jose De Venecia as the Keynote Speaker.

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Conservatory, Manila Peninsula Hotel


Klaus Preschle

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