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The 6th Young Economists' Convention


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The 6th Young Economists’ Convention held last February 2-3, 2007 in Manila successfully concluded with the presentation of several top caliber papers of economics students from various top universities across the country. This Convention capped a series of mini-conventions held across the countryside (in Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu and one in Manila) to provide a conclave of versatile and intellectual Economics students from all over the country.

The Young Economists Convention is a product of the collective effort of the DLSU-Angelo King Institute for Economic and Business Studies (DLSU-AKIEBS), the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Anthony Aguirre Memorial Foundation, USAID-PACT and in cooperation with the Junior Philippine Economics Society (JPES) and the De La Salle University-Economics Organization (DLSU-Econorg).

A summit of versatile and intellectual Economics students from all over the country, the Young Economists Convention (YEC) provides a stimulating venue for the enrichment of Economics education in the country. This project is set into motion with the raison d'ĂȘtre of endorsing awareness of prevalent economic issues and initiating vital critical thinking among the youth, with the end of enabling them to put in practical usage what they have learned as they bring to fruition the idea of becoming the future leaders and policymakers of the Philippines.

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Klaus Preschle

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