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Ateneans dominate Top Ten Best Debater List


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The Ateneo Debate Society (ADS), an active partner of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation for its youth development programs, emerged as the Grand Champion of the 6th National Debate Championship (NDC) for the 5th consecutive time. This marks the Society’s half a decade run as the National Champion. The 6th NDC was hosted by San Beda College from October 24-29, 2004. Facing teams from De La Salle University and the University of the Philippines Diliman, ADMU A composed of ADS President Eleanor Uy (IV AB Political Science) and Jess Lopez (IV AB Political Science) emerged as the champions of the nationwide debate competition after 11 grueling rounds of intense argumentation and exchanges of stinging wit. Debating on the motion that “this house regrets the feminization of the OFW”, Ateneo A argued as the Closing Opposition team that the phenomenon should instead be celebrated by Filipinas and the country in general, for it provides empowerment opportunities for the Filipina through the professionalization of care-giving. The adjudication panel, composed of nine of the country’s most distinguished debate judges, awarded the championship to the Ateneo team by a clear majority vote. The Society also won the prestigious All-Asian Debate Championship for the fourth time in Bangkok, Thailand earlier this year. Uy and Lopez were also members of the Ateneo team that won the Asian title, and were ranked as the 3rd best and best debater in Asia, respectively.

The rest of the Ateneo teams also turned in outstanding performances throughout the course of the tournament. ADMU B composed of Lisandro Claudio (II AB Communication Arts) and freshman Charisse Borromeo (BS Management Engineering) qualified for the Semifinal leg of the tournament. ADMU C composed of Glenn Tuazon (II AB Communication Arts) and Sharmila Parmanand (II AB Political Science), and ADMU D and Anna Santos (I BS Physics CE) and Kristel Tiu (II BS Psychology), respectively, qualified for the Quarterfinals. ADMU E composed of Patricia Suzara (IV AB Political Science) and Clarisse Ong (II BS Management of Communications Technology), was recognized as one of the three best rookie teams in the competition, and qualified for the Octofinals, together with ADMU G, composed of Ramon Fuentebella (II AB Management Economics) and Czarina Medina (II BS Legal Management). The successful team standings also reflect in the individual speaker rankings, with 6 out of the Top 10 speakers of the competition coming the ADS, namely Lopez (3rd), Tuazon (4th), Uy (5th), Borromeo (6th), Parmanand (8th) and Claudio (9th). Dae Rubinos (IV AB Philosophy) was also awarded as one of the five best rookie adjudicators in the competition.

The ADS is currently preparing for a new round of debate tournaments in preparation for the World Universities Debate Championship to be held in December in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In November, the ADS shall be competing in the prestigious Oxford and Cambridge Intervarsity debate tournaments.

For the year 2004, KAF is working with ADS for the Ateneo – KAF Debate Education Program (National Debate Road Show Covering at least 10 Cities/Areas in the Country from July – November 2004, the Philippine Schools Debate Championship on November 5-9, 2004 and the Ateneo Intervarsity Championship on December 10-12, 2004.

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Klaus Preschle

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