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Event Reports

EU-Asian Energy Politics in the 21st Century

by Johannes Vogel

International workshop

The fifth workshop of the series "EU-Asia Relations in Global Politics", jointly organised by RECAP and the European-Asian research network EUACES, discussed current developments in the energy politics cooperation between Asia and Europe. Numerous contributions of young researchers of different disciplines provided a comprehensive picture of the future challenges for politics and economy.

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New paradigms in climate politics, resources scarcity, innovative technologies and a tense security situation in the Middle East are only some of the huge challenges the global energy system are currently facing. These issues cannot be solved by single countries. Particularly Europe and Asia – which geographically bound together – can and shall cooperate closely in energy politics: to to tap the full potential of innovative developments and to build an interconnected infrastructure for the future energy generation and supply. There is in fact a broad consensus in all countries that the upcoming far-reaching reforms in energy politics can only be tackled jointly. Indeed, it is less clear in what way and to what extent such cooperation should be conducted.

These urgent questions were in the focus of 2016 KAS-UACES workshop. Young scientists from Asia, Europe and the US had the opportunity to present their research and findings to an international audience. A broad variety of aspects in energy politics between Asia and Europe, ranging from the generation of electricity to the consumption, from financial and diplomatic questions to legal issues of the use of natural resources. The aim was not only to have a close look at the single problems, but also to find integral solutions for better cooperation.

In her welcoming remarks, Evelyn Gaiser, head of energy and climate in the Team Asia and the Pacific of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, explained the role of the Foundation in the context of the German Energiewende (energy transition). Further aspects of Eurasian energy cooperation had been given by the German Consul general in Hong Kong and Macau, Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorff, and by representatives of universities of Hong Kong. Thereafter, experts provided an introduction to the four thematic areas of the workshop. At the second day, these topics were discussed in depth by young scientists who presented their research findings to a peer group.

Current geopolitical implications of changing energy systems were the first topic of the day. The unequal distribution of (fossil)resources and the contribution of renewable energies to future energy demands are among those drivers which will shape the energy landscape in Asia and Europe. Depending on different national strategies and the broader geopolitical environment, these relations result in both mutually beneficial cooperation or in resources conflicts. The role of Central Asia at the intersection between Europe and Asia and Russia and China in particular, is a prominent example.

The following sessions turned towards the macro and microeconomic dynamics of energy demand and supply. Economic potentials and strategies have a crucial influence on how each country can and wants to extend its energy supply. In the afternoon, the impact of climate change on the energy security was analyzed. On one hand, the impacts of global warming can obstruct the access to natural resources and endanger energy transport routes. On the other hand, energy demand might raise due to their adaptation efforts to climate change. Intraregional cooperation can contribute to overcome supply shortages and create more energy efficiency.

Financing issues and technical innovations were in the focus of the concluding sessions. China’s massive investments in its Central Asian neighbour countries and the effects of such commitment were discussed intensively. Several presentations highlighted the technological progress, which significantly influences all fields of energy politics. More efficient use of renewable energy sources, but also for clean fossil resources are quickly developing. Highly efficient solar panels, innovative approaches for energy saving and storage and energy efficient construction technologies – to name only a few fields of innovation.

After the sessions, two certificates for the best papers were handed over to Fang Meng, PhD candidate of Law at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and to Dr. Ali Cheshmehzangi, Assistant Professor for Architecture at the University of Nottingham.

The results of the workshop’s presentations and discussions will be published in two volumes at the renowned Springer publisher.

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Dr. Peter Hefele


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