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Policy Reports

Media and Information Literacy Among Millennials and Generation Z in the Arab World

by Dr. Maha Bashri, Dr. Ali Rafeeq

Filling the Gap Through A Skill-Based Approach

The Policy Report addresses the importance of establishing digital media literacy programs for the young generation in the UAE for the millennials (those whose age is between 23 and 39) and for Z-generation (those who are less than 22 years old).

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The Policy Report "Media and Information Literacy Among Millennials and Generation Z in the Arab World" suggests policy options and recommendations to develop national media and information literacy programs with the goal of developing critical thinking skills for the youth. It recommends to have this program for children and youth through formal programs embedded in school curricula. The paper also proposes involving civil society organizations, the academia and the community in developing this program.This Paper is based on a broader research the two authors conducted with partial support from the Regional Programme Gulf States of KAS. The research carried the name “Digital Natives and Digital Naïveté: Media and Information Literacy in the Arab World: A Case Study of the United Arab Emirates” and is supposed to appear in an academic journal this year.

To read the full report, check the download-box at the right.

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Philipp Dienstbier

Philipp Dienstbier

Director of the Regional Programme Gulf States +962 6 59 24 150

Dr. Mohammad Yaghi

Mohammad Yaghi, PhD bild

Programme Manager | Research Fellow +962 6 59 24 150


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