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Youth Voices from the Gulf Region

New Ideas and Experiences

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Regional Programme Gulf States and the Gulf Research Center are hosting a side event at COP28 (UAE) on December 8, 2023, at 12:00 pm at the Siemens Showcase Center, focusing on climate change engagement with youth from the Gulf region. This event is the outcome of a policy paper contest held by both organisations, with the top four papers chosen to present their ideas at COP28. The primary objectives are to amplify the voices of young individuals from the GCC nations on climate change, introduce innovative concepts to propose to their respective governments, and foster the creation of robust climate change networks among GCC youth.


Young Perspectives on Joint Cooperation

Enhancing the Saudi-German Academic Exchange

In partnership with the Gulf Research Center, the Regional Programme Gulf States of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung will carry out a two-day workshop in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The workshop will bring together young researchers and practitioners from Germany and Saudi Arabia for two days of dialogue, exchange, and learning how to write policy papers about German-Saudi cooperation in the fields of energy, security, sports, and culture. Please note that this is a closed event.


Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 at the halfway point

Achievements and challenges

In partnership with Highbridge Advisory, Chatham House, and the Decision Support Center of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Regional Programme Gulf States of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung will carry out a one-day workshop at Chatham House in London, United Kingdom. The workshop will examine Saudi Arabia's progress on its Vision 2030 as it reaches the halfway mark.


Domestic and Foreign Affairs Intertwined

German Foreign Policy in the Middle East and Implications for the Gulf States

The KAS Regional Programme Gulf States and the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS) are jointly organising a half-day workshop. The workshop aims to explore how Germany's domestic political dynamics intersect with its foreign engagement.

Expert talk

Germany's Soft Power Strategy in the Middle East: Past & Future

A Derasat Virtual ThinkTalk

Derasat presents a Think Talk titled "Germany's Soft Power Strategy in the Middle East: Past & Future", featuring Ambassador Kai Boeckmann, Ambassador of Germany to the Kingdom of Bahrain, Dr. Jan Hanrath, CEO & Co-founder CARPO and Fabian Blumberg, Head of the Regional Programme Gulf States at KAS.


The status of EU-GCC Relations

An event organised by The Royal University for Women, Bahrain in association with the Regional Programme Gulf States at KAS.


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


Economic Diversification in the Gulf States

Challenges and Opportunities

The workshop brought together scholars from Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and Germany to discuss the structural impediments that prevent the Gulf Sates from realising their goal of moving away from an economy that is dependent on revenue from hydrocarbon to multi-sectoral income’s economy.


Civil Society Engagement in a Ceasefire Mechanism in Yemen

Two-days workshop to discuss a possible engagement of Yemen’s civil society in a potential ceasefire mechanism

The Regional Program Gulf States and Yemen Policy Center engaged experts and representatives from the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen in a two-day workshop to discuss the experience of inclusion civil society in a ceasefire mechanism and in the processes of peacebuilding.


EU-GCC Relations

The Path to a New Relationship

The overall objective of this workshop is to examine how the GCC and the EU countries can deepen their cultural, economic and political relations and the kind of challanges that they need to overcome in order to achieve this goal.

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Bahrains Sorge vor dem großen Nachbarn

Sunniten und Schiiten wählen ein neues Parlament

Das Königreich Bahrain ist ein Kleinstaat vor der Küste Saudi-Arabiens. Das Land ist aus zwei Gründen bemerkenswert: Es ist von Öl- und Gas-Exporten unabhängiger als jedes andere Land in der Golf-Region. Und Bahrain ist das einzige Land am Arabischen Golf mit einer schiitischen Bevölkerungsmehrheit. Diese wird allerdings von einer sunnitischen Herrschaftsschicht dominiert und regiert. Im Oktober sollen Parlamentswahlen in Bahrain stattfinden. Der Wahlkampf steht im Zeichen von Verhaftungen zahlreicher schiitischer Oppositioneller und teilweise gewaltsamen Ausschreitungen.

Regional Program Gulf-States represented at WOCMES

The Regional Program Gulf-States and KAS-Office Amman jointly represented The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung at the 3. World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES). Thomas Birringer, Regional Representative to the Gulf States, participated in a panel discussion on “The Multi-Level-Facets of Middle Eastern Security” which had been organized by KAS Jordan.

KAS-Seminar in Dubai

Young Journalists successful at Grimme Online Award

The participants of the Journalist's Academy in Dubai benefit from their experience. This year, three young journalists and former participants of the German-Arab Journalist's Academies won the Grimme Online Award 2010: Simon Kremer, Marc Röhlig and Jan Hendrik Hinzel (take part in December 2009 in Dubai).The Grimme Online Award is Germany's most important Internet Award.

Dialogue with the Gulf-States about Foreign- and Security Policy

KAS extends it's network

At the invitation of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung six young researchers from the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) visited from the 13th – 20th June 2010 Munich and Berlin and informed themselves about the security efforts undertaken by Germany.

Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel at the Gulf

German Chancellor Angela Merkel started her 4-day visit to the Gulf States in Abu Dhabi. This gave KAS the opportunity to give a short overview on the activities of its still young Regional Program Gulf-States. Her visit shows the increasing importance of the region - not only economically but also politically. Against this background the Chancellor welcomened KAS’ commitment and activities. Jidda in Saudi-Arabia, as well as Qatar and Bahrain are the next stops on the trip.

KAS initiates CSR Networking Evenings

For the first time the Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung Regional Program Gulf-States and the Academy for Responsible Management invited to a network event on May 9th, 2010. The evening marked the start of a CSR Network Evening series and included a panel discussion on Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Market Economy.

KAS promotes responsible entrepreneurship

Arab CSR-Conference in Abu Dhabi

"Corporate Social Responsibility means for entrepreneurs to take on an active and responsible role in society. This principle is also a fundamental idea of the social market economy," said Thomas Birringer, Representative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Regional Program Gulf-States at a panel discussion at the Arab Corporate Social Responsibility Conference on May 9th, 2010 in Abu Dhabi. Individual solidarity, a market economy with appropriate regulations on a national level and international development cooperation belong together, added Birringer.

Philipp Mißfelder MdB and Chief of State Chancellary Dr. Beermann in the UAE

Junge Union meets young Emiratis

During their visit to the UAE Philipp Mißfelder MdB, Spokesman for Foreign Affairs of CDU/CSU, and Dr. Johannes Beermann, Chief of the State Chancellery of the German State of Saxony, met with students in Abu Dhabi. The KAS regional program Gulf-States had invited to a discussion round at Sorbonne University on April 12, 2010.

A unique mixture of traditional and modern elements

Successful Internship in Abu Dhabi

There are only few places in the world with a similar mixture of traditional and modern elements within society and such cultural plurality as you encounter in Abu Dhabi. This is what I discovered during my three months internship at the regional office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Abu Dhabi this spring. And it was these regional distinctions that made this internship so special.

KAS Regional Program with positive results:

First appearance at most successful Book Fair in Abu Dhabi

On Sunday the 20th Abu Dhabi International Book Fair came to a close with a record number of visitors and exhibitors. More than 230.000 visitors, 367 exhibitors from 60 countries and record sales of over US $10 million made the Book Fair an absolute success. And the KAS Regional Program Gulf-States can look upon very positive results. „The Book Fair was an excellent platform for us to introduce our goals and activities to a larger audience“, said Thomas Birringer, Regional Representative to the Gulf-States. “The interest in our programs and publications was remarkable“.