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Event Reports

KAS Regional Program with positive results:

First appearance at most successful Book Fair in Abu Dhabi

On Sunday the 20th Abu Dhabi International Book Fair came to a close with a record number of visitors and exhibitors. More than 230.000 visitors, 367 exhibitors from 60 countries and record sales of over US $10 million made the Book Fair an absolute success. And the KAS Regional Program Gulf-States can look upon very positive results. „The Book Fair was an excellent platform for us to introduce our goals and activities to a larger audience“, said Thomas Birringer, Regional Representative to the Gulf-States. “The interest in our programs and publications was remarkable“.

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KAS shared an exhibition booth titled „German Institutions in the UAE“ with the local representation Goethe Institute, the German Embassy Abu Dhabi, the German International School Abu Dhabi and the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.

The booth attracted visitor of all ages and nationalities, who engaged into lively, substantial and surprisingly open discussions with KAS representative. Especially KAS publications on the German economic system of the so called social market economy were of great interest to many. English and Arabic Manuals on this topic were in high demand as well as the exhibited dictionary „Social Market Economy. “

Publications submitted by the KAS-offices in Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Autonomous Territories, as well as Tunisia and the Regional Program Political Dialogue Maghreb completed the exhibited material. Combining the works of all offices within the region allowed KAS to offer the visitors a wide range of topics and to present KAS activities in the entire Near and Middle East.

Visual high light of the KAS exhibition were two video presentations: a PowerPoint-presentation on the international cooperation of KAS and the film „Teamwork“, which was produced by the KAS-online editorial staff during the 4th German-Arab Journalists Academy in Dubai in December 2009. The film in particular drew attention from many of the younger visitors.

Hence, KAS can look back on a successful presentation at the Abu Dhabi Book Fair. Emirati, Arabic and international guests alike were offered an in-depth insight into the values, goals and programs of KAS particularly in the Arabic region. The Book Fair offered the Regional Program Gulf-States a perfect platform to introduce itself to a wider audience and to position itself as a new player within the region.

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Philipp Dienstbier

Philipp Dienstbier

Director of the Regional Programme Gulf States +962 6 59 24 150


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