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The Public Service in Germany, an example for Africa?

Ensuring the integrity of the public service in Germany through the constitution

Federal Constitutional Court Judge Prof. Herbert Landau's presentation at the Gaborone (Botswana) Conference on Corruption and Human Rights, March 28 to 31, 2011

Focus on Africa


Since December 2010, Cote d'Ivoire has been in a crisis following Laurent Gbabgo's refusal to acknowledge the election of the internationally recognized President Alassane Quattara and subsequently to leave power. Among the many parties that have intervened in the crisis are the UN and ECOWAS which gave Gbabgo an ultimatum to leave by 24 March. Gbabgo ignored this ultimatum.

Focus on Africa

Kenya’s Vice President started the second round of shuttle diplomacy to lobby for the deferment of the country’s post election violence case at the ICC by a year. He was scheduled to meet with the UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon on Tuesday March 8 and with US officials the following day.


Berichte, Analysen, Eindrücke aus der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Afrika

Mit der zweiten Ausgabe von „AfriKAS” erhalten Afrika-Interessierte und Freunde der Arbeit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung diesmal ein Werk, das neben entscheidenden Beiträgen zu Sachthemen auch politische Kurzberichte unserer Auslandsbüros enthält. Jeweils nach Ländern geordnet, werden die wichtigen politischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen und Ereignisse im Sinne eines Almanachs skizziert und dargestellt. Mit der Kenntnis und Expertise unserer Auslandsmitarbeiter erhalten Sie somit einen einzigartigen Einblick in die Entwicklungen in Afrika.

Focus on Africa

News from Africa

Focus on Africa

News from Africa

Focus on Africa

News from Africa

Focus on Africa

News from Africa

Kenya’s New Constitution: a Transforming Document or Less than Meets the Eye?

The Kenyans endorsed a new Constitution in a referendum on the 4th of August. This Constitution is claimed to be the most important political development since independence from Great Britain in 1963. Since the introduction of the Independence Constitution, which led to the formation of the new State, no comprehensive constitutional reform has taken place. As the Independence Constitution was drafted through negotiations with the colonial power this is the first reform which detaches the Constitution from its colonial origin and puts it on a new basis.

Focus on Africa

News from Africa