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Book presentation

Political Parties in South Africa

Do they Undermine or Underpin Democracy?

This book offers a different assessment of the health of South Africa´s political system. Introducing the book and hosting a panel discussion is editor Ms Heather Thuynsma from the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Pretoria.

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The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) is happy to announce the launch of the book

`Political Parties in South Africa: Do they Undermine or Underpin Democracy`?, in cooperation with the Africa Institute of South Africa in the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and the University of Pretoria.

Political parties and the party system that underpins South Africa´s democracy have the potential to build a cohesive and prosperous nation. But, in the past few years, the ANC´s dom-inance has strained the system and tested it and its institutions´ fortitude. There are deeper issues of accountability that often spurn the Constitution and there is also a clear need to foster meaningful public participation and transparency. This book offers a different and detailed assessment of the health of South Africa´s political system.

Introducing the book and hosting a panel discussion will be the editor Ms Heather Thuynsma from the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Pretoria. Nicola de Jager and Annemie Parkin will present their findings on the ANC’s rising hegemonic and waning electoral dominance, and Danwood M. Chirwa and Phindile Ntliziywana will discuss whether political parties can provide parliamentary oversight. Afterwards, a respondent will give his opinion to the book.

We would be honored if you would accept our invitation to be part of the book launch and the following discussion. Please RSVP to Ms Christina Teichmann:

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Country Director KAS Tanzania +255 22 2153174
Tilmann Feltes, KAS, eröffnete die Veranstaltung. Links im Bild die anwesenden Autoren (v.l.n.r.): Siphamandla Zondi, Respondent Zwelethu Jolobe, Nicole de Jager, Annemie Parkin, Herausgeberin Heather Thuynsma
Respondent: Zwelethu Jolobe (University of Cape Town)
Lebhafte Diskussion, auch unter den anwesenden Members of Parliament

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Human Science Research Council (HSRC) of South Africa