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Expert talk

Post-Elections Conference

A Post-Elections Conference, organized by the Democracy Development Program and the KwaZulu-Natal Christian Council.

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The 2016 Local Government Elections have come and gone. Political parties have elected their representatives and are ready to move on with business as usual. However, the political landscape has remained very fractured. We have seen political coalitions govern a number of metros and local municipalities.

The growing public spats battle between disgruntled ANC members and the pro-Jacob Zuma fraction are now the centre of conversation for most South Africans. There is a real danger; that unless civil societies and all citizens engage each other to understand better the meaning of these political ripples, the nation risks to seriously compromise her hard won democracy.

The civil society sector cannot be silent. It is time to re-assess our strategy of how to engage and remain proactively vigilant.

Join us for a post-elections civil society conversation to explore the possibilities this present political landscape provides to us as a sector whose main responsibility is to guard our democracy.

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Coastlands Hotel Durban
315 Ridge Road,
4001 Durban
Republic of South Africa

Alternative venue

Coastlands Musgrave Hotel, 315-319 Peter Mokaba Ridge



Tilmann Feltes

Tilmann Feltes Portrait

Country Director KAS Tanzania +255 22 2153174
Group photo of the participants at the conference DDP
IEC official Dr Nonhlanhla Hlongwane thanking civil society for their support during the elections. DDP
Group discussions about their thoughts on the presentations, what worked well, challenges and limitations during the mission as well as what can be done better on the next mission. DDP
Brain Bhengu speaking about the involvement of the youth during the observer mission. DDP
Captions KZNCC Deputy CEO Lucas Ngoetjana presenting the summary of the observer report. DDP

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Democracy Development Program (DDP)