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Wrecking Ball

Why Permanent Technological Unemployment, a Predictable Pandemic and Other Wicked Problems Will End South Africa’s Experiment in Inclusive Democracy

Wrecking Ball explores, in novel theoretical manner, a decalogue of wicked problems that could easily end contemporary civilization. Written in the vernacular of political economy, it demonstrates that without an inclusive centralized system of global political and economic institutions, the collective action required to solve these wicked problems falls beyond the remit of the world’s 200 still predominantly extractive and elitist polities. To prove its manifold theses, Wrecking Ball grounds its analysis in an extended study of contemporary South Africa and shows that this country’s elitist and extractive political and economic institutions not only make resolution of ongoing domestic crises unattainable, but make meaningful responses to wicked problems impossible.


‘What are the obligations of states and corporations to ensure access to a COVID-19 vaccine?

Vaccine access is a matter of life and death for many. For others it is a matter of their livelihoods.

A number of vaccines for COVID-19 have been developed in record time and the hope is that this will bring an end to the death, suffering, and disruption to ordinary life caused by the pandemic. Yet, currently, only a small number of countries from the Global North are being able to vaccinate at a rapid rate with access to COVID-19 vaccines having been conditioned by the ability to make large investments in the developments of the vaccine. The vaccines are being manufactured by large private companies, based almost exclusively in the Global North, who have become household names. Yet, their development involved not only private funding but also large amounts of public money and research. Moreover, some of the vaccines were tested on people living in countries in the Global South, including in South Africa. The patenting of the vaccines not only has allowed for the ability of companies to charge high prices but also restrictions on who may supply the vaccines which is partly responsible for current shortages.


Human Rights Law and Children's Right to Education

Can Human Rights Law Provide Guidance on Realising a Child's Right to Education in the Face of a Pandemic?

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, children’s access to education in the African context was already unequal. COVID-19 has exacerbated the situation with lockdowns, widespread school closures, the use of online learning in resource-poor contexts and limited tuition at schools when, and if, they resumed in-person teaching. Apart from these educational impacts, COVID-19 has also affected other rights of children: for instance, there have been increases in domestic violence, as well as an inability to access school meals that provided much-needed nutrition.


CANRAD/KAS-Youth and Democracy Series

Impact of Covid-19 on youth: Opportunities and Challenges

COVID-19 has a detrimental effect on the youths and this may prove to be one of its damaging legacies. In fact, the coronavirus crisis risks turning back the clock on years of progress made on young people’s well-being and has put their rights under serious pressure across the globe. Issues of access to education, domestic abuse, child labour and lack of decent work are some of the many challenges that many institutions are grappling with. While the universities, NGOs, as well as governments are turning their attention to these problems, young people also have a key role to play in finding solutions.


Poor Education, Poor Economy and Planning the Escape

The South African education system is in crisis. According to Statistics SA, half of all learners drop out of school before reaching matric.

The government fails learners in poor communities by failing to provide schools with adequate infrastructure and qualified teachers. Inequality in South Africa is further exacerbated by an education system that does not adequately prepare learners for the world of work. Learners from disadvantaged communities cannot compete with their peers from affluent communities.


The Midpoint Debate: Book Launch Brittle Democracies?

Comparing Politics in Anglophone Africa

Brittle Democracies? Comparing Politics in Anglophone Africa compares the democratic principles, presence and performance of ten former British Colonies across Sub-Saharan Africa. It aims to see what trends are present and what challenges this subset of African democracies face


South Africa as a strategic partner for Germany?

Perspectives of the German-South African Cooperation

Germany and South Africa cooperate on a bilateral and increasingly on a multilateral level. As currently holding the presidency of the EU and AU, the last few months both governments prepared the summit of the two regional organizations originally scheduled for autumn 2020. As non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council they have collaborated to assess and resolve conflict-ridden situations. Will South Africa continue to be an important partner for Germany in solving future challenges at the global and continental level and in strengthening multilateralism?



SAIFAC und Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Südafrika

Systemic racism and police brutality have been ongoing problems in the United States that have remained largely unaddressed despite greater attention to the issue in recent years. Since the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2013, demonstrations have highlighted the murder by police of black men across America, including Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner and Michael Brown. Police brutality connected to discriminatory attitudes are also problems outside of the United States. In South Africa, there is a long history of brutality by security forces. This has been heightened during the coronavirus lockdown with severe harassment experienced by non-South African residents (linked to high-levels of xenophobia) and incidents such as the murder of Collins Khoza.


The Inside Track: A Critical Conversation with Advocate Shamila Batohi

The Daily Maverick and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung,SA

The conversation will address the war on women, gender based violence and the NDPP's experience as a woman leader within the National Prosecuting Authority.


COVID-19 and Gender-Based Violence - What are the Obligations for Businesses and Universities?

SAIFAC (a Centre of the University of Johannesburg) and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung,SA

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought both a major health and economic crisis. In an attempt to curb the spread of the disease, many states implemented strict lockdown conditions, resulting in extreme social isolation for residents. Almost everyone across the country was forced to spend more time at home. In situations were there were difficult familial dynamics, conflict was exacerbated. The anxiety and stress of the lockdown also had an extremely negative impact on the mental health of individuals. All these factors worsened the risk of violence.

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KAS zeigt Präsenz beim Umweltgipfel COP17 in Durban

Präsenz zeigte die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) während des Umweltgipfels COP17 in Durban gleich mit drei Veranstaltungen, die allesamt in Kooperation mit dem langjährigen KAS-Partner Democracy Development Programme (DDP) sowie der Umweltinitiative Climate Smart Cape Town (CSCT)organisiert und durchgeführt wurden.

Besuch bei der Okumhlope High School in KwaZulu Natal

Ein Bericht von Sina Hener

Am 9. Dezember 2011 war es endlich soweit: Ich habe zum ersten Mal die Okumhlope High School (OHS) in KwaZulu Natal, Südafrika besuchen dürfen. Nachdem das Projekt „EinStein für Afrika“ nun fast zwei Jahre existiert und schon zum zweiten Mal ein beachtlicher Betrag von 3600 Euro vom Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium in Ravensburg für die OHS gesammelt wurde, konnte ich dieses Jahr das Geld persönlich übergeben. Meine Anwesenheit bei der Geldübergabe war deshalb möglich, weil ich im Esimphiwe Baby Home in Richmond in der Provinz KwaZulu Natal ein freiwilliges Soziales Jahr ableiste.

Sustainable Mega-Events in Developing Countries

Experiences and Insights from Host Cities in South Africa, India and Brazil

How can Mega-Events, such as the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cupâ„¢ in South Africa, the 2010 Commonwealth Games in India as well as the 2016 Olympics in Brazil, be used as catalysts for sustainable urban development? Based on three country case studies the authors analyze challenges and opportunities that come with such events. The aim of the manual is to assist future host cities, particularly in a developing country context, and promote the hosting of such events in an environmentally as well as economically and socially sustainable manner.

The emerging multilayered security architecture: German and South African perspectives on regional and global governance

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation together with its partners, the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the South African Institute of International Affairs and the Institute for Security Studies hosted a series of conference on the German and South African non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council. The last workshop on the emerging multilayered security architecture was organized by the HSS and ISS. The conference report is now available online.

Welches Wirtschaftssystem für Südafrika?

Sechs Experten informieren sich in Deutschland zum Thema Soziale Marktwirtschaft

Als regionale wirtschaftliche Führungsmacht sowie Mitglied der G 20 und der BRICS-Staaten hat Südafrika eine besondere Verantwortung gegenüber den übrigen Ländern Subsahara-Afrikas und weltweit. Politische und wirtschaftliche Stabilität sind eine wichtige Voraussetzung, um dieser Rolle gerecht zu werden. Obwohl das Land die jüngste globale Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise relativ gut überstanden hat, gibt es eine andauernde Debatte über das künftige Wirtschaftssystem.

Der arabische Frühling


Der arabische Frühling hält die Welt seit Dezember 2010 im Atem. Bislang haben die Aufstände im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika zu Regiemumstürzen in Tunesien und Ägypten geführt. In Libyen hat nach dem Tod von Muammar al-Gaddafi der Nationale Übergangsrat die politische Macht übernommen. Das fünfte „KAS-SAIIA Alumni Dinner“ wurde zum Anlass genommen, die Umbrüche in der arabischen Welt zu diskutieren. Ein Beitrag von Jennifer Schuster.

KAS/SAIIA Careers Evening 2011

The purpose of the 2011 SAIIA/KAS Careers Evening, that took place on 28th September at the Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg, was to provide a platform for postgraduate university students in the studies of International Relations, Economics, Law and Journalism to gain a better understanding of the career opportunities available to them. The event included a careers exhibition, followed by a panel of speakers from the selected sectors, who discussed their individual career paths and provided useful advice.

Supporting Government Policy Making: Sharing South African and German Think Tank Experience

Conference Report

South Africa and Germany have a well developed think tank community, ranking among the best in their respective regions. They can play a key role as ‘analysis channels’ in assisting their governments in their global roles. The 21st century global environment, however, requires think tanks to focus and evaluate constantly how relevant their work is for policy makers. Therefore KAS with its partner SAIIA, supported by the ISS, HSS and the German Embassy, convened a workshop with representatives from German and South African think tanks, journalists and government representatives.

Summer Academy Southern Africa

Unter dem Titel "Preparing the Party for Election Campaigns" nahmen 18 Nachwuchspolitiker aus Südafrika, Simbabwe, Malawi, der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, Mosambik und Namibia an der diesjaehrigen Summer Academy Southern Africa (SASA) der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Johannesburg teil. Eine Woche lang tauschten die Nachwuchspolitiker Erfahrungen und Informationen aus und erlernten neue Strategien für erfolgreiches Wahlkampfmanagement.

Austausch von Erfahrungen südafrikanischer und deutscher Think Tanks im Bereich der UN-Sicherheitspolitik

Wie können Think Tanks mit ihrer Expertise die Regierung im Entscheidungsfindungsprozess unterstützen? Inwieweit werden Think Tanks von politischen Entscheidungsträgern konsultiert? Wie ist das Verhältnis zwischen Regierung und Think Tanks? Zusammen mit SAIIA, ISS, der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung und mit Unterstuetzung der Deutschen Botschaft, organisierte die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) am 25. August 2011 ein Expertengespräch zwischen Vertretern von südafrikanischen und deutschen Think Tanks, Journalisten und Regierungsvertretern. Der Veranstaltungsbericht ist jetzt online abrufbar.