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Event Reports

Constitutionalism and Constitution Making in Tanzania

On the 6th of September, KAS Tanzania and PAJOMA jointly organized a workshop on constitutionalism and constitution in Tanzania.

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Pamoja is an Exchange Project between Tanzanian and German university students. Aiming for changing ideas at eye level, promoting mutual understanding and establishing a platform for cultural exchange. Every six months a group from one nation organizes itself to spend time in the other’s nation. This time, the PAMOJA team was in Tanzania.

Together with Deus Kibamba (Jukwaa La Katiba - NGO), an expert on constitutionalism and constitution, the participants spoke about the historical background of constitution making in Tanzania from 1960 onwards, discussed the key elements of a constitution and finally addressed the current status of constitution making in Tanzania. Using the information of the workshop, questions on how Tanzania shall manage to produce a people-centred and people-driven constitution, when, de facto, the citizens never had a stake in their own constitution emerged. The students agreed to continue the debate via email. The Tanzanian participants will take part in future activities of the KAS Dar Es Salaam concerning the constitutional reform process.

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Daniel El-Noshokaty


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