Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Environmental Justice Assizes

Proceedings of Green Judges Year 2013

The publication of the Office of the Administrative Courts of Thailand (OAC) financially supported by Konrad Adenauer Foundation; in Thai language only. The objectives of this publication are to enhance knowledge and experience of the administrative judges as well as law experts in court procedures concerning the environmental law cases. The articles are comprised from both Thai and foreign case studies in order to provide the readers the practical examples for their real case procedures management in the future.

Administrative Case Compendium Vol.6

The publication of the Office of Administrative Courts of Thailand (OAC) in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation Thailand provides details of administrative cases happening in Thailand, for example judicial discretion, community rights, etc. This publication is available only in Thai language.

Guideline for Civic Education in Democratic Society

This publication aims to provide the readers and researchers the correlation of education and politics which is significant for supporting policy-making process of civic education in the country. Konrad Adenuaer Foundation, Thailand office, and Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS) have been working on this issue for many years.

Pedagogy of the Democrat

To correspond with the national reform in 2014, this publication aims to provide the readers in educational fields the understanding and guidelines of civic education which has been planned to function as a democratic culture in Thailand.

The General Information of the 80 Years of Thai Democracy

This publication comprises of the basic information about Thailand’s political situation occurring during 80 years since the political movement in the year 1932 into which the Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS) has been researching all along. However, it is found out that even coming into the 81st year of the change many Thai people still lack of the true understanding of “democracy” as well as don’t comprehend the social and political issues in the country. Therefore readers can further use the facts indicated in the book academically to encourage the democracy development in Thailand.

Ecological, Social and Economic Sustainability

Perspectives for Thailand and ASEAN

This anthology aims to create and deepen awareness about ecological, social and economic sustainability in Thailand and the ASEAN Region and foster discussion amongst academics, university students, students and teachers of international schools, decision makers and the wider public. Another objective is to give recommendations on how sustainability in economic, social and environmental sectors could be promoted. (The publication is available in English only).

The Rights and Liberty Protection in Accordance with the Constitution

The Constitutional Court Digest Vol. 12

The Constitutional Court Digest Vol. 12 for the year 2014 aims at producing as well as gathering academic articles and legal opinions relating to constitutional laws and other related constitutional matters from academics, legal experts and officials of the Constitutional Court.

Environmental Problems Concerned With Marine and Coastal Resources

Proceedings of Green Judges Year 2010 (Reprint)

The publication of the Office of the Administrative Courts of Thailand (OAC) financially supported by Konrad Adenauer Foundation; in Thai language only.The objectives of this publication are to enhance knowledge and experience of the administrative judges as well as law experts in court procedures concerning the environmental law cases especially the ones about marine and coastal resources. The articles are comprised from both Thai and foreign case studies in order to provide the readers the practical examples for their real case procedures management in the future.

Foreign Administrative Case Studies Compendium Vol.5

The publication of the Office of Administrative Courts of Thailand (OAC) in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation Thailand provides details of administrative cases in foreign countries. The publication is in Thai language only.

Sustainable Natural Resources Management on Forest, Land and Water

Proceedings of Green Judges Year 2012

The publication of the Office of the Administrative Courts of Thailand (OAC) financially supported by Konrad Adenauer Foundation; in Thai language only