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Asset Publisher

Isra News' articles of April 2023

Read news articles of April 2023 from Isra News Agency (in Thai language).

Read news articles of April 2023 from Isra News Agency with the support of KAS Thailand (in Thai language): 1) Road Safety Policy: the forgotten policy that political parties have not campaigned for the General Election?, 2) Bangkok traffic jams: public transport policy is a big challenge for the General Election, 3) Lesson learned from Swedish Forestry Model: The model that Thailand follows yet is still far from fully implemented, and 4) When Administrative Court’s ruling on government officers’ disciplinary action invalidates the arraignment of the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

Isra News' articles of February 2023

Read news articles of February 2023 from Isra News Agency (in Thai language).

Read news articles of February 2023 from Isra News Agency with the support of KAS Thailand (in Thai language): 1) Review on Thailand’s drafted ministerial regulation on anti-drugs: people caught with more than one meth pill will face legal action, 2) PM2.5 solutions: solving the pollution by laws vs by cooperation?, and 3) Section 22 – 25 of the act on torture and enforced disappearance have been delayed to enforce due to unreadiness?.

Isra News' articles of March 2023

Read news articles of March 2023 from Isra News Agency (in Thai language).

Read news articles of March 2023 from Isra News Agency with the support of KAS Thailand (in Thai language): 1) The ‘National Pension Policy – Increasing the Elderly Allowance’ – Campaign for General Election Battle – Fiscal Burden?, 2) Review on Gun Control Measures – Proactive actions are needed to stop mass shootings, and 3) Can the current computer-related crime act solve voice phishing?.

Isra News' articles of May 2023

Read news articles of May 2023 from Isra News Agency (in Thai language).

Read news articles of May 2023 from Isra News Agency with the support of KAS Thailand (in Thai language): 1) Policies on elderly care allowance proposed by 9 main political parties – Fiscal challenges for Thailand’s ageing society, 2) The effects of household and parental absence on child’s potential and development, and 3) Anti-SLAPP Law – Promoting participation against corruption – protecting the public interest.

Proceeding – Reimagine Smart City Policy Framework to Next Future

KAS Thailand, IDS and KPI organized the event “Reimagine Smart City Policy Framework to Next Future" on 21 March 2023. It was discussed that Smart Cities are not limited to technology, but require public engagement and democracy and need to address the issues of the people of Thailand. Thus, the role of local administration should be intensified and decentralization pushed.


Parliamentary Elections in Thailand

Initial Situation and Possible Scenarios

The next general election in Thailand will be held on May 14, 2023. One day after the dissolution of the House of Representatives on March 20, the Election Commission officially announced the new date for the ballot.

OAC's Brochure about the e-Litigation Portal – supported by KAS

How does the Electronic Administrative Case System work?

The Office of the Administrative Court with the support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Thailand has produced a brochure that explains the use of the Electronic Administrative Case System also known as e-Litigation Portal. The goal is to increase the understanding of the e-Litigation Portal for the general public and the internal personnel of the Office of the Administrative Courts. The hope is that litigation is carried out more digitally than through paperwork.

Policy Proposals on Decentralization for the 2020s in Thailand

Publication by the Chiang Mai Creative Urban Studies Center (CUSC) and supported by the KAS

The book “Policy Proposals on Decentralization for the 2020s in Thailand” was published in November 2022 by the Chiang Mai Creative Urban Studies Center (CUSC). The contained over 400 ideas and proposals address the problems of local government in Thailand over the last 6 decades. They were collected from seminars and speeches held all over the country from January – October 2022.

The Publication of Administrative Case Proceeding Manual for People

New Publication by the Administrative Court of Thailand, supported by the KAS Thailand

The Focus of the Administrative Court of Thailand’s “The Publication of Administrative Case Proceeding Manual for People”, which was supported by the KAS Thailand, is on “procedural transparency” - which is one of the important parts of upholding the international rule of law.

Decoding: The Smart Way of Local Administration

The book “Decoding: Smart Way of Local Management”, supported by the KAS Thailand, compiles several academic articles on decentralization and local administration.