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Online seminar

Challenges and Trends in Constitutionalism in 2021

Online Seminar

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is pleased to invite you to: Online Seminar: Challenges and Trends in Constitutionalism in 2021

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IDS Challenges and Trends of Constitutionalism in 2021

The idea of constitutionalism comes into play where constitutions successfully create a separation of powers, ensure democratic legitimacy, and foster a rule of law culture. Thorough knowledge of constitutions and constitutionalism is key for working within any legal system. Increasing internationalization, globalization, and, in some parts of the world, regionalization, have also left their mark on constitutions and the idea of constitutionalism, and on the way we understand and use constitutional texts. This includes, fundamentally, the question of whether states are the only entities capable of having constitutions.


This seminar is the first of a series of Thailand's Public Policy Formulation, Conflict Resolution, and Reconciliation of Social Interests organized by the Institute for Democratization Studies (IDS) and the KAS. It will take place on Monday, August 16 at 14:00 (Bangkok Time) via Zoom Programme, and will be conducted in Thai language.


To participate in the seminar, please click the link below.


Challenges and Trends in Constitutionalism in 2021

1. Idea and Development of Constitutionalism in Thailand: from Past to Present

By Dr. Stithorn Thananithichot,  Office of Innovation for Democracy, King Prajadhipok's Institute

2. Populism Policy and Voting Behavior in 2021

By Dr. Bukhoree Yeema, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Songkhla Rajabhat University

3. The Role of Civil Society and Civic Engagement in 2021

By Dr. Philin Phujenapan, Faculty of Political Science, Chiang Mai University

4. Constitutionalism and Governance in Thailand

By Asst. Prof. Cherngcharn Chongsomchai, College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University

5. The Future of Social Enterprise in Constitutionalism

By Dr. Channawoot Chairaksa, Faculty of Social Science, Naresuan University

6. Challenges and Trends of Constitutionalism in 2021

​​​​​​​By Dr. Vichean Tansirikonkol, Faculty of Political Science and Law, Burapha university

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Zoom Meeting


  • Dr. Stithorn Thananithichot
    • Dr. Vichean Tansirikonkol
    • Dr. Philin Phujenapan
    • Asst. Prof. Cherngcharn Chongsomchai
    • Dr. Bukhoree Yeema
    • and Dr. Channawoot Chairaksa

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