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South Sudan Factbook

An Introduction to the Newest County on Earth

9 July 2011 was a landmark day for Africa and the world. It was the day that introduced a new player to international politics by giving birth to the planet’s newest nation: The Republic of South Sudan. As the day that marked the end of Africa’s longest running civil war, 9 July 2011 was full of hope and recommencement. However, it also marked the beginning of a troublesome story: South Sudan’s internal struggles for national unity and enduring peace. This country report not only offers a collection of current, reliable, and valid data, it also provides a clear and accessible narrative.


The paper outlines the state of youth participation in the agriculture sector in Uganda, noting, most specifically, that while absorbing a large part of the working population, the sector is operating highly inefficiently, mostly owing to the effects of subsistence farming and engagement in the sector as a last resort or interim solution while other economic pursuits are aspired to. The result is a workforce engaged in agriculture that is lacking the vision and awareness of opportunities for entrepreneurship within the sector and, therefore,does not unlock its employment potential.

Social media on the rise


The number of people in Uganda who have access to the Internet is continuously growing. Due to the power of social media, more and more people find it attractive to communicate via Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and others. But there are many voices within government who want to regulate social media networks. Does that mean, the free space which social media creates is jeopardized?

Erneute Eskalation im Südsudan

Bleibt der Frieden eine Illusion?

Der jüngste Staat der Welt wurde am 9. Juli 2016 fünf Jahre alt. Doch die Feiern fielen aus. Stattdessen eskalierte erneut die Gewalt und forderte hunderte Todesopfer. Auch wenn vorläufig wieder Ruhe eingekehrt ist - ein eilig ausgerufener Waffenstillstand scheint zunächst zu halten - so wird doch deutlich, wie schwierig die Lage im Südsudan bleibt und wie unzureichend die Umsetzung des Friedensabkommens vom August 2015 vorangeschritten ist.

The EAC Regional Integration and Prospects for Peace Building in South Sudan

It is undoubted that South Sudan’s entry as a member of the EAC provides the country with numerous opportunities to increase her market size; reduce on the transaction costs and increase economic efficiency. But what are some of the fundamental political economy questions that underpin South Sudan’s entry to the EAC regional economic bloc? Why should a country arguably devoid of most of the integration principles like stability, human rights, rule of law and good governance be accepted into the community?

ARISE MAGAZINE - Celebrating 30 years of Acfode

A Journey of Passion for a Just Society

Established in 1985, the organisation has been providing a wide range ofservices with the aim of fulfilling her vision of “A just society where genderequality is a reality. This Magazine chronicles Acfode' 30 years of empowering women in Uganda

Die Überraschung bleibt aus: Amtsinhaber Museveni gewinnt umstrittene Präsidentschaftwahlen in Uganda

Am Ende kam es für die meisten Beobachter wie erwartet: Präsident Yoweri Museveni, seit 30 Jahren an der Macht, sicherte sich seine fünfte Amtszeit und kann Uganda für weitere fünf Jahre regieren. Während es am Wahltag im Großen und Ganzen ruhig blieb und sich die weit verbreitete Furcht vor Gewalt rund um die Wahlen nicht bestätigte, kritisierten ugandische und internationale Beobachter erhebliche Unregelmäßigkeiten beim Ablauf der Wahlen und stellten die Kompetenz und Unabhängigkeit der Wahlkommission in Frage.


Regierung und Opposition im Wahlkampf

Am 18. Februar finden in Uganda Parlaments- und Präsidentschaftswahlen statt. Auf den letzten Metern steigt die Spannung. Während die Kandidaten der Opposition ihre Botschaft des Wandels verbreiten und versuchen landesweit Unterstützung zu mobilisieren,lässt die Regierung ihrerseits keine Zweifel aufkommen, dass sie von einem Wahlsieg überzeugt ist. Der Wahlkampf hat bisher für Uganda ungewohnte Dynamiken entwickelt - auch weil zum ersten Mal drei starke Kandidaten im Rennen sind. Teil 2 der Berichtsreihe im Vorfeld der Wahlen (nächster Teil: Große Kontroversen und Angst vor Unruhen).

Assessing the Impact of Social Media

Reality Check 8

This 8th edition of the Reality Check is dedicated to the topic of the Social Media Conference in July 2015: "Assessment of the influence of social media on political communication and civic engagement". The experts who contributed to the publication shed light on the topic from various perspectives, including the viewpoints of civil society, bloggers and traditional media.


30 Jahre NRM - Stillstand oder Stetiger Fortschritt in Uganda?

Am 26. Januar 2016 feiert Uganda den „Liberation Day“, den „Tag der Befreiung“. Das diesjährige Jubiläum markiert nicht nur 30 Jahre der Herrschaft durch das National Resistance Movement (NRM), sondern auch 30 Jahre Amtszeit des amtierenden Präsidenten Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Die Feierlichkeiten fallen in eine politisch unruhige Zeit in Uganda, denn gut drei Wochen später werden die Parlaments- und Präsidentschaftswahlen stattfinden. Teil 1 der Berichtsreihe im Vorfeld der Wahlen (nächster Teil: Regierung und Opposition im Wahlkampf).

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Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.


A Women’s Development Magazine

ARISE magazine features varying issues around women and development in Uganda. Whether women wearing uniform, working as farmers, or holding political offices: We review the trends and challenges women face in Uganda. The magazine has been published in cooperation with Action for Development since 1990.

Reality Check

The series analyses developmental challenges in the political, social and economic sphere in Uganda. The editions examine hot topics of the daily political agenda and undertake a rigorous reality check. Reality Check is published in cooperation with Centre for Development Alternatives.

Economic Policy Paper Series

We examine economic issues in Uganda through a policy lens: Which way for Uganda's economic development? Which obstacles does the country face? And how can political players set the course for economic growth? This series crafts policy papers to inform and inspire debates around economic progress in Uganda. The Economic Policy Paper Series is published in cooperation with Centre for Development Alternatives. 

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