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The Future of the European Security System

Young security expert discuss important events in the world politics and share their visions on the scenarios of the Russian-West relations.

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This programme organised by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Moscow and the Information Centre for International Security in Volgograd will gather the winners of the essay competition from Germany and Russia to discuss the urgent questions of the European security, exchange ideas, find understanding and develop a shared vision for their common future.

The essays of the participants you can read here:

Essays zum Thema „Das europäische Sicherheitssystem Möglichkeiten und Wege zur Krisenüberwindung“

Эссе на тему «Европейская система безопасности: возможности и пути преодоления кризиса»

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Zum Kalender hinzufügen


KAS-Akademie Berlin, Deutschland


Essays zum Thema „Das europäische Sicherheitssystem: Möglichkeiten und Wege zur Krisenüberwindung“
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Claudia Crawford


Evgeniya Löhken

Evgeniya Löhken, M.A

Projektkoordinatorin +7 495 626 00-75 +7 495 626 00-76

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Asset Publisher