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15. Generation "Leaders for Justice" - Graduation Event

Leaders for Justice Romania Training Program

The 15. generation of Leaders for Justice (LfJ) alumni, will have their official graduation event, where they will present themselves and will be included in the large Leaders for Justice Romania community, after completing a year of personal and team management training. The event will also be a perfect medium for discussing new projects and ideas and strengthen the network of young legal professionals.

Discuție între experți

Platforma 2024 Expert Meeting

Organised by Tech and Tonic Association

Tech and Tonic is implementing the Platforma 2024 project with support from the Transatlantic Foundation and the European Commission. 2024 is a defining year for democracy in Romania, being the only year so far with all four rounds of elections. In this context, the association aims to initiate a genuine discussion on democracy and public policy in Romania, observing how specific themes are reflected in electoral campaigns, how candidates’ discourse evolves, and how citizens engage in elections. This effort will be supported by research technologies, data analysis, and visual information presentation, alongside relevant actors from fields of interest. The experts come from various fields (justice, social affairs, urban planning, economy), the main goal being to create a space for intersectoral dialogue that will also cover issues such as: review of project activities, including topics addressed in the public and political speech and lessons learned during this year of elections as well as planning and prioritising analysis themes for the upcoming years.


Peolpe of Justice Storytelling Event

Bucharest 12 Nov 2024 at 19:00h

Program de studii și informații

International Summer School Sarajevo 2024

A great opportunity for students and young professionals to enhance their knowledge on transitional justice and its role in promoting human rights and rule of law.

Conferință de specialitate

War Crimes in Prijedor and its Surroundings - Message for the Future

By convening legal experts, journalists, survivors and next generation, the conference casts a spotlight on seeking justice and deriving lessons from the past.


SLAPP Workshop

KAS RLPSEE with One World Romania and Leaders for Justice

On the 6th of April, KAS RLPSEE, together with One World Romania and Leadres for Justice, organised a workshop regadring cases of judicial harassment abusing journalists and activists through the form of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP), wich are constantly on the rise in Europe. The workshop addresses investigative journalists, documentary filmmakers, media professionals, legal experts and freedom of expression specialists. These lawsuits are increasingly being used to intimidate professionals and citizens who are merely exercising their fundamental rights. SLAPPs tend to impose social, economic and psychological burdens on targets. Given that 2024 is a year with multiple electoral stakes in Romania and 4 rounds of elections, the pressure on journalists, in particular, will be even greater. This SLAPP workshop was meant to provide useful advice on how to deal with the judicial pressure when you're making investigative journalism & documentary. Discussions focused on national and European legislation (anti-SLAPP directive), and the most common threats faced by journalists. The workshop offered experts the possibility to present guidelines and advice on how to prevent, mitigate, and protect yourself from legal threats due to your everyday work as a journalist or as an activist.


Roma Slavery in the Romanian Principalities

The Eyes of the Mind history series

On the 10th of April, the Casa Paleologu Cultural Foundation, together with the Roma Education Fund Foundation, launched at the KAS RLPSEE headquarter the final episode of the “Eyes of the Mind”-series, dedicated to the history of the Roma slavery during the Romanian Principalities. This final episode focused on the period between the two world wars, WWII, and the following communist and post-communist period. The launching was accompanied by an art exhibition with works by Eugen Raportoru, a painter with Roma origins.


Platforma 2024 Working Group on Justice

Election Year Monitoring

On March 25th, taking into account that 2024 is an important election year, the Tech & Tonic Association organised a working group on Justice with the following topics: identification of important themes for the Romanian democratic society through studies, market research, data collection and analysis; following some themes relevant to the democratic process throughout the four rounds of elections and analysing the way they are approached according to the type of elections, the parties or by candidates; development of a network of NGOs, media, specialists and other relevant actors in society, which address the themes identified in specific ways (analyses, articles, policy papers, materials of communication, etc.); concentration of verified information related to the election cycles of the election year 2024 and presenting them in an easy-to-understand, visual format to the voting citizens, so that they can make an informed choice in all voting rounds.


You and the Team - Improve your working skills

Career Law - Second Session

On Saturday, 16th of March, the Leaders for Justice alumni of the KAS RLPSEE organised the second session of the Career Law presentation event. The invited students were coached how to navigate teamwork, team management and networking by young legal professionals.


Who am I? Who do I want to become?

Career Law - First Session

On March 2nd, at the headquarter of the KAS Rule of Law Programme SEE, the alumni of the KAS RLPSEE program Leaders for Justice, organised a get-to-know session with high-school students. The workshop comprised presentations, storytelling, and Q&A sessions with young professionals, on topics linked to a legal career such as: the power of community, self-image vs. self-esteem, a law (love) story, values acting like a build-in compass. The attendees worked in teams, competing against each other.

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KAS-Rechtsstaatsprogramm Südosteuropa in der Endrunde der World Justice Challenge in Chicago

Internationale Anerkennung für das Projekt "Leaders for Justice"

Am 1. August präsentierten Doru Toma und Dr. Pavel Usvatov das Projekt "Leaders for Justice" bei der World Justice Challenge in Chicago. Das World Justice Project hat 30 der innovativsten und wirkungsvollsten Projekte aus insgesamt 424 Bewerbungen aus 109 Ländern ausgewählt. "Leaders for Justice" ist einer der sieben Finalisten in der Kategorie "Youth Engagement".

Die Zukunft des Westlichen Balkans liegt in der EU

8. Westbalkan-Botschafterkonferenz

Wenige Wochen vor dem nächsten Gipfel des Berliner Prozesses in Tirana lud die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung am 20. September 2023 zum 8. Mal zur Westbalkan-Botschafterkonferenz ein. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des Formats tauschten sich zu Lösungsansätzen und Verbesserungspotenzialen beim Ausbau der Verkehrsinfrastruktur aus und setzten sich mit den Gefahren von Desinformation auseinander. Darüber hinaus wurden geopolitische Herausforderungen ausführlich beleuchtet.

Conference “Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro”

Presentation of the publication “Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro” and panel discussion on ongoing challenges in the Rule of Law in Montenegro

The Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RSPSOE) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with CEDEM (Centre for Democracy and Human Rights) organized an online conference in hybrid form (online and offline) to present the analysis "Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro".

Young lawyers from Romania visit German judicial authorities

Meeting in Berlin

The Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RSP SOE) pursues the goal of promoting particularly qualified young lawyers from the countries of South East Europe. In this context, the large-scale young legal leaders programme "Leaders for Justice" for young Romanian lawyers was initiated in 2010. Despite the special circumstances, a visit by a small group of young lawyers to Berlin was also possible in 2020.

Presentation of the Romanian translation of the publication -Covid-19 and the impact on human rights

An event for judges, prosecutors and lawyers from the Republic of Moldova, Romania with guests from Armenia

The Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RSPSOE) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in cooperation with "The Aire Centre" and "Civil Right Defenders", organised an online event presenting the Romanian translation publication "Covid-19 and the Impact on Human Rights".

One World Romania (OWR) and the RLPSEE

This is the event report of the meeting with One World Romania (OWR) where the RLPSEE handed over a full set of equipments.

Digitalization of the judiciary

Online panel discussion with judges and IT law experts from Estonia, Germany and Romania

This is the event report on the first online panel discussion 2021 on the topic of the digitalization of justice.

KAS/Marco Urban

Die Zukunft der Erweiterungspolitik und die transatlantische Partnerschaft

Westbalkan Botschafterkonferenz in Berlin

Unter strengen Hygienevorschriften fand am 7. September in Berlin im Rahmen der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft die 5. Westbalkan-Botschafterkonferenz der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung statt.

Louisa Heuss / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

"Am allerwichtigsten ist es, das Vertrauen der EU-Bürger zu gewinnen"

Laura Kövesi über ihre neue Rolle als Leiterin der Europäischen Generalstaatsanwaltschaft

Bis Ende 2020 soll die neu gegründete Europäische Staatsanwaltschaft ihre Tätigkeit in Luxemburg aufnehmen. Geleitet wird sie von der Rumänin Laura Kövesi. Die 46-Jährige stellte sich und ihre Behörde jetzt bei einer Veranstaltung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung vor. Als langjährige Antikorruptions-Ermittlerin in Rumänien bringt sie viel und vor allem intensive Erfahrung mit.

Regionales "Rule of Law Forum Südosteuropa" in Dubrovnik

6. Jährliches Forum zur Rechtsstaatlichkeit in der Region Südosteuropa

Das Rechtsstaatsprogramm Südosteuropa (RSP SOE) der KAS führte gemeinsam mit dem AIRE Centre und den Civil Rights Defenders am 22. und 23. März 2019 in Dubrovnik das Sechste jährliche regionale Forum zum Thema Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Südosteuropa durch. Der Schwerpunkt lag dabei 2019 auf dem Thema Kinderrechte unter der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention (EMRK).