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Field Trip on “Human Right Research Investigation and Current Challenging Issues"

in der Provinz Ratanakiri

Workshop on “Human Rights Research, Investigation and Current Challenging Issues”

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Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS) together with Dr. Joerg Menzel from the Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM), Legal Advisor to the Senate, and in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Senate conducted a workshop on “Human Rights Research, Investigation and Current Challenging Issues” in Ratanakiri Province from 12 to 15 January, 2009. The results of the working groups were presented to the Senate on 23 January, 2009 in order to identify and raise awareness of problems and challenges in rural areas. Research and investigations focused on current human rights issues such as land grabbing and disputes, social conflicts, gender issues, access to judicial services and economic development as well as the protection of minority rights.

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  • Mr. Pen Bonnar
    • Representative for ADHOC in the Province Ratanakiri Mrs. Dam Cahnthy
      • President of Hightlander Association in Ratanakiri Province

        Rabea Brauer

        Rabea Brauer

        Head of the Brandenburg Political Education Forum and State Commissioner for Brandenburg +49 (0) 331 74 88 76-0

        Saroeun Mom

        Senior Programme Manager

        Exkursion zur Untersuchung der Menschenrechtssituation und Identifizierung aktueller Problembereiche

        Asset Publisher

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