

Public Forum on Human Rights and Development

CCHR-KAS Cooperation

On the 17 June 2010 indigenous communities will have an opportunity to raise their concerns with parliamentarians, local authorities, civil societies, community members at a Public Forum on “Human Rights and Development” in Rattanatikiri Province.



Since 2004 around 600 families from indigenous communities have been

affected by illegal land grabbing and government granted land concessions totaling over 25 000 hectors in Rattanakiri Province. Many have been forced evicted from their land and their homes, resulting in the deterioration of their traditional way of life and culture. The indigenous communities remain in conflict with the government and private companies stealing their land and are seeking peaceful resolutions.

On the 17 June 2010 the indigenous communities, including representatives from the Charaiy, Phnorng and Tum Poun people, will have an opportunity to raise their concerns directly with parliamentarians, local authorities, civil societies, community members, and other stakeholders at a Public Forum on “Human Rights and Development” in Rattanatikiri Province. The Public Forum will consider the issues and disputes faced by the local indigenous

communities relating to economic land concessions, and illegal land

grabbing as they press for peaceful resolutions to the conflicts. Kuch Moly, Funcinpec Party; Yem Punhrith, Human Rights Party; Long Ry

Samransy Party – all parliamentarians - together with Sok Hom, Provincial Council, and Ban Bunna from Adhoc have confirmed attendance at the Public Forum. Around 300 people from the indigenous communities are expected to attend.

Organised by CCHR, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation is co-funding the event.


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  • Kuch Moly
    • Funcinpec Party
  • Yem Punhrith
    • Human Rights Party
  • Long RySamransy Party
    • Sok Hom
      • Provincial Council
    • Ban Bunna
      • Adhoc

    Rabea Brauer

    Rabea Brauer

    Leiterin des Politischen Bildungsforums Brandenburg und Landesbeauftragte für Brandenburg +49 (0) 331 74 88 76-0



    Bereitgestellt von

    Auslandsbüro Kambodscha