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Event Reports


12th Edition of Radio Days Africa

Audio journalism remains a powerful and trusted source

The Wits Radio Academy at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, hosted the 12th online edition of Radio Days Africa in July. This year’s edition, themed “Audio Amplified” focused on the growth of audio consumption in a multi-platform broadcasting environment amid Covid-19. #RDA2021, held from the 5th to the 16th of July, featured 20 engaging sessions with over 60 influential radio professionals and personalities. This year's event was attended by almost 2,500 people from across Africa and abroad.

Des jeunes politiciens réunis en Côte d'Ivoire discutent de stratégies de communication

Des communicateurs politiques issus de pays africains francophones et anglophones participent à l'édition 2021 de la KAS E-lection Bridge Academy.

Political communicators from Francophone and English-speaking African countries participate in the 2021 edition of KAS E-lection Bridge Academy. Fourteen political communicators meet in Grand-Bassam, Côte d'Ivoire, for a three-day workshop to discuss communication strategies, share experiences and network.

Les propriétaires et les rédacteurs en chef des médias discutent du journalisme d'entreprise

KAS Media Africa a réuni 20 éditeurs, rédacteurs en chef et autres journalistes de haut niveau à Grand-Bassam, en Côte d'Ivoire, fin novembre, pour discuter du journalisme entrepreneurial et des modèles d'entreprise. La plupart des participants venaient de pays francophones : du Burkina Faso au Mali.

Report on Malawi Election Workshop held of June 19, 2020

KAS Media Africa organised journalists meeting in Malawi

E-lection Bridge Academy in Addis Ababa, March 2020

KAS gathered 13 young politicians, from three corners of Africa, in the Ethiopian capital for training in political communication.

Benin hosts francophone E-lection Bridge Academy

KAS Media Programme Sub-Sahara Africa brings together 10 young politicians from five countries on the continent

At the end of January, KAS Media Africa gathered 10 young politicians to Cotonou, Benin’s buzzing coastal economic hub for an E-lection Bridge Academy workshop. The programme is Sub-Sahara Africa’s leading e-learning political communication offering with a range of themes from speech writing to messaging and voter targeting.

Book Launch in Addis Ababa

“How African Economies Work – A Guide to Business and Economics Reporting”

KAS Media Africa launched its Guide to Business and Economics Reporting in November 2019 in the Ethiopian capital.

Political bloggers meet in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

5th annual conference of #AfricaBlogging

#AfricaBlogging members gathered in Addis Ababa where they exchanged views and discussed a host of topics – from political developments in Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya and Zimbabwe, to Internet and social media regulations in Africa and abroad.

La responsabilité des médias en République démocratique du Congo

Il est également clair pour certains propriétaires de médias en République démocratique du Congo que les médias devraient avoir une fonction de gardien et de contrôle. Les stations de radio et de télévision, en particulier, ont connu un véritable essor ces dernières années, car elles sont la seule source d'information pour beaucoup dans un pays où il n'existe pas de journaux dignes de mention et où l'accès à Internet est très coûteux.

Africa’s muckrakers gather for #AIJC19

Investigative journalism conference brings together 400 participants from across Africa and around the world to network, learn new skills and share experiences.

During the last week of October, when Johannesburg’s purple Jacaranda trees bloom and students are writing their final exams, the University of the Witwatersrand opens its campus to the continent’s gutsy muckraking journalists for the African Investigative Journalism Conference. The AIJC is now in its 15th year – with KAS Media Africa as one of its longest serving supporters – and for #AIJC19 brought together about 400 journalists and media experts from across the continent and around the world to network, learn new skills and share their experiences.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.