Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Health Journalism in times of Covid-19

Assessing the quality of Health Journalism in Africa.

Health Journalism in times of Covid-19

Money Matters: Newsrooms, sustainability and opportunities during a time of Covid-19

Health Journalism in times of Covid-19

Access to medicines and treatment during Covid-19 and beyond

Africa and Australia and Chinese Soft Power

Virtual conference by KAS Media Africa and the Judith Neilson Institute

Adapt or Die

Innovating in what’s left of the South African media industry

African Media Thermometer

African Media Thermometer

A series of podcasts and discussions about Health Journalism

Africa Discusses Racism

The death of the African American George Floyd has shocked many observers worldwide, who did not discuss racism as it doesn’t affect them personally. Not only in the US, but also in Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium and France did people take to the streets to protest against racism in their respective societies. But how have the events in Minneapolis and subsequent demonstrations in over 50 cities in the United States, where black people protested and put racism on the Agenda, been reflected in Africa, the continent of predominantly black people?

Radio and Pandemics: COVID-19 coverage by stations in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda

COVID-19 in East Africa: How community and vernacular radio stations are influencing social and behavioural change in East African countries

KAS Scholar from Sierra Leone writes about his experience at Mail & Guardian

Abdul Brima is a seasoned journalist from Sierra Leone who has worked for different international media organizations including BBC Media Action, Telegraph, Mail and Guardian UK. He is currently a KAS Media Fellow studying for a Masters in Journalism and Media Studies at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.


Corona pandemic in Africa: More poverty, crises and conflicts?

Insights into Côte d'Ivoire, DR Congo, Mali, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda

The corona pandemic has reached sub-Saharan-Africa. Against this backdrop, we report on the overall situation and take a closer look at the state of affairs in Côte d'Ivoire, DR Congo, Mali, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda. Furthermore, we also investigate what German politics could do to mitigate the negative effects of the corona virus and how African countries can better protect themselves against further pandemics.