Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

The Philippine Diaspora

Serfdom and the American Dream

The everyday reality of about twelve million Filipinos overseas vary tremendously. While many have succeeded in the U.S., migrant workers in the Gulf States face inhumane working conditions and exploitation. In that respect, the Philippine government is aiming for stricter laws. However, creating better and sustainable living conditions in the Philippines is far more important for people to have an alternative to migration.

Kêtindêg, Volume 3 Issue 2

Newsletter of the IPDEV Project

Here you can find the latest issue of the IPDEV Newsletter and read about updates on IPDEV's activities and achievements until the end of January 2015.

"Keine Alternative zum Friedensprozess"

Benedikt Seemann im Interview mit Deutsche Welle

Bei Feuergefechten mit Rebellen sind im Süden der Philippinen Dutzende Polizisten getötet worden. Über die Folgen sprach die DW mit Benedikt Seemann, Büroleiter der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Manila.

Pope Francis in the Philippines

The "Pope for the Poor"

From the 15th until the 19th of January 2015, Pope Francis visited the Philippines, where 100 million inhabitants, 80 million Catholics, and 25 million people live in poverty. During his visit, Pope Francis proved to be a “Pope for the Poor.” Offsite of the country’s capital, the Pontifex also visited Tacloban that was hit the hardest by typhoon Yolanda in November 2013.

I4J Project Flyer

KAS's new EU cofunded project

By downloading this brochure you can find out more detailed information about KAS's new EU co-funded project I4J, its project partners and the project's objectives.

Kêtindêg, Volume 3 Issue 9

Newsletter of the IPDEV Project

Here you can find the latest issue of the IPDEV Newsletter and read about updates on IPDEV's activities and achievements from February to April 2014

The Indigenous Peoples of Mainland ARMM

IPDEV publishes its demographic survey results

This publication gives a brief socio-cultural, economic and demographic profile of the indigenous peoples' societies in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Kêtindêg, Volume 2 Issue 8

Newsletter of the IPDEV Project

Click here to read the latest issue of the IPDEV Newsletter and get updates on what has happened from November 2013 to January 2014.

Speeches from the 50th Anniversary of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's Partnership with the Philippines

On February 20, 2014 at the Sofitel Philippine Plaza, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung celebrated its 50-year partnership with the Philippines. This publication features the different speeches delivered by Lito Lorenzana, Rufus Rodriguez, Hans-Gert Pöttering MEP, and Peter Köppinger at the event.

Kêtindêg, Volume 2 Issue 7

Newsletter of the IPDEV Project

The new IPDEV Newsletter is here! Click here to read about developments and events of the IPDEV project from August to October 2013.