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Event Reports


Rule of Law and Constitutional Jurisdiction

Speech by Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Papier delivered at the Regional Consitutional Courts' Conference

In October 2009 the Rule of Law Program co-organised together with the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia the first Regional Constitutional Courts Conference for the countries of the Western Balkan on "Constitutional Jurisdiction in Theory and Practice". Guest of honour and key-note speaker was Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Papier, former president of the German constitutional Court. His speech on "Rule of Law and the Constitutional Jurisdiction" (available only in German and Serbian) was well received amongst the large number of constitutional law experts that attended the conference.

Measures of the Rule of Law Program South East Europe on the anniversary „20 Years Fall of the Berlin Wall“

An overview

In the year 2009, the Rule of Law Program South East Europe (RLP SEE) is conducting a series of measures in remembrance of “20 Years Fall of the Berlin Wall”. The RLP SEE hereby simultaneously supports its focal area “(Legally) Coping with the Past” within which the Rule of Law Program has been operative ever since the very start of its activities at the beginning of 2006. You may find an overview over measures taken plus publications on the topic in the PDF above (in German language).

Anniversary Publication issued by the KAS-Rule of Law Program

Expert talk at the kick-off to a series of events

“The topic of Constitutional Adjudication concerns anyone with political commitment”. These were the words with which the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, H.E. Ulrike Maria Knotz initiated her greeting at the expert talk on “Constitutional Adjudication” organized by the KAS-Rule of Law Program South East Europe and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia in Skopje (Macedonia) on 25 September 2009. The expert talk took place in the context of the German Weeks organized by the German Embassy and the Goethe Institute.

Educational reform as a part of reconciliation process

The OSCE and the International Education Reform Effort

The presentation hereby - "Bosnia and Herzegovina: 2009 and Beyond. The OSCE and the International Education Reform Effort" - was put together for the participants of the International Summer School Sarajevo 2009 by Claude Kieffer, Education Department Director, OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mr. Kieffer held a lecture on the last days on the ISSS 2009 on "Educational reform as a part of reconciliation process".

“The Condemnation of Communist Crimes in Romania and the Application of International Law"


In her opening speech at the conference “The Condemnation of Communist Crimes in Romania and the Application of International Law", the director of the Rule of Law Program South East Europe, Dr. Stefanie R. Roos, emphasized the importance of coping with the past. Reconciliation – in particular penalty of communist crimes – is even twenty years after the end of the communist regimes in Romania and other European countries still an urgent task.

Rule of Law – The Accountability of Government and State Power Control


On June 6th 2009 in Novi Sad, the RLP SEE together with the Faculty of European Legal and Political Studies (FEPPS) organized the seminar “Rule of Law – The Accountability of Government and State Power Control”. In the course of the experts’ talk, Dr. iur. Matthias Hartwig from the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law gave the following speech on “Constitutional Law Prerequisites of an accountable Government – the German Experience: Separation and Control of Powers in the German Grundgesetz (Constitution)” (speech in German).

„Rechtsstaatlichkeit – Die Verantwortlichkeit der Regierung und die Gewaltenkontrolle“


Im Rahmen des Rechsstaatsprogramms Südosteuropa der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (RSP SOE) fand am 8. Juni 2009 im serbischen Sremska Kamenica nahe Novi Sad ein Fachgespräch zum Thema „Rechtsstaatlichkeit – Die Verantwortlichkeitder Regierung und die Gewaltenkontrolle“ statt. Das Fachgespräch wurde gemeinsam vom RSP SOE und der Fakultät der Europäischen Rechts- und Politikwissenschaftlichen Studien (FEPPS) der Universität Singidunumveranstaltet. Lesen Sie hier den Konferenzbericht dazu.

Aufbau eines gerechten und verlässlichen Gerichtswesens

Bericht über eine Regionalkonferenz in Bukarest (Rumänien)

Am 2. und 3. Juni 2009 haben die beiden rumänischen Nichtregierungsorganisationen "Freedom House" und "Rumänische Akademische Gesellschaft" mit Untersützung des KAS-Rechtsstaatsprogramms Südosteuropa in Bukarest (Rumänien) eine Regionalkonferenz zum Thema „Aufbau eines gerechten und verlässlichen Gerichtswesens“ für rund 30 Richterinnen und Richtern aus Bulgarien, Rumänien und der Republik Moldau organisiert. Lesen Sie hier den Konferenzbericht dazu.

60 Jahre Grundgesetz


Vom 20. – 23. Mai 2009 fand in Becici, Montenegro, das 2. Regionale KAS-Altstipendiaten-Treffen in Südosteuropa im Bereich Jura zum Thema „Verfassungsgebung und Verfassungsreform“ statt. Das RSP SOE konnte hierfür u.a. einen bekannten Experten auf diesem Gebiet als Teilnehmer und Hauptredner gewinnen: MdB Dr. iur. Günter Krings, Justiziar der CDU/CSU-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag.

ONE WORLD ROMANIA 2009 - Documentary Film Festival on Human Rights

The Festival Catalogue

ONE WORLD is the biggest documentary film festival on human rights in Europe. The festival started in Prague in 1999, as an initiative of Haclav Havel, and during the past 10 years expended in other cities like Bruxelles, Madrid, New York or Kiev.ONE WORLD ROMANIA was born in 2008, after one and a half years of Documentary Mondays at the Czech Center. In 2009, we decided it's time for more. Bucharest has a documentary film public and the second edition is welcomed.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.