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Live stream

DDP Multi-Party Forum (Livestream)

Unpacking political party manifestos for the 2024 General Elections: On Health Care, Safety & Security

Live stream

FW de Klerk Foundation Annual Conference (Livestream)

South Africa at 30 - Looking Back, Looking Around, Looking Forward


Has the African National Congress lost touch with South Africans? The party over people

A Daily Maverick Live Journalism Webinar

Book presentation

South Africa's Easy Election Guide: Who To Vote For in 2024? 

Johannesburg Launch

Book presentation

South Africa's Easy Election Guide: Who To Vote For in 2024? 

Cape Town Launch

Expert conference


Coalition Governance in South Africa: Dedicated Desired States or Destructive Desires


A Daily Maverick Live Journalism Webinar

Reimagining Joburg: Weighing up the water crisis


A Daily Maverick Live Journalism Webinar

A Small, Stubborn Town: Life, Death & Defiance in Ukraine

Join Peter Fabricius alongside author of the book "A Small, Stubborn Town: Life, death & defiance in Ukraine", Andrew Harding, as they discuss the pivotal moment in Ukraine's war and the stories of ordinary civilians in the small town of Voznesensk.


OUTA and KAS invite you to an online event

Demystifying Parliament: Understanding its challenges and embracing opportunities for improved oversight

We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming online event, "Demystifying Parliament: Understanding its Challenges and Embracing Opportunities for Improved Oversight.", co-hosted by OUTA and KAS. This event promises to be a remarkable exploration of parliamentary oversight, accountability, and the future of democracy.


Reflecting on Parliamentary Democracy and PMG

Save the Date

Join us as we celebrate 25 years of the PMG Website.

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Südafrikas Wirtschaft in der Wachstumsfalle: Was kann man tun?

Am 20. Oktober fand in den Räumlichkeiten des Strand Tower Hotels in Kapstadt das Ubuntu Networking Business Breakfast statt. Das von der South African Ubuntu Foundation (SAUF) organisierte Netzwerk-Frühstück wurde mit Unterstützung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), des Strand Tower Hotels und der SANLAM Gruppe veranstaltet.


In 2019 general elections will be held in South Africa to elect the new National Assembly and new Provincial Legislatures in all nine provinces. While every adult citizen in South Africa has the right to vote, however the electorate must register to vote in order to be able to participate in the voting process. Under the motto #ICOUNT the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS) in cooperation with the HDI For Good held seminars in various schools of Johannesburg.

New Windhoek Dialogue 2017

Declaration and Recommendations ahead of the 5th AU-EU Summit

From 6 - 9 October 2017, the New Windhoek Dialogue brought together centre-right political parties from 12 African countries, Members of the European People’s Party (EPP) Group in the European Parliament, representatives of European centre - right parties as well as the representatives of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

Dullah Omar memorial lecture with Dame Graca Machel

Graca Machel, a prominent guest speaker at the 11th Dullah Omar Memorial Lecture at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), addressed "violence against women and children in South Africa" in her speech.

Balancing Religion, Custom and Constitutionalism

Roundtable Series - Number 3

This event held at the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL Rights Commission), co-hosted by the Centre for Unity in Diversity and KAS provided for a lively debate on the question of how to balance Religion, Custom and the Constitution in modern South Africa.

Conference on Multilingualism and Linguistic Human Rights

Multilingualism is a cherished Constitutional principle that forms part of linguistic human rights. Hosted by the CRL Rights Commission and the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, this conference through informed discussion and debate encouraged a way to look forward to South Africa's future, particularly as to how multilingualism can be implemented to cater for the country’s wide and rich linguistic diversity.

Discourse Café mit Prof. Christi van der Westhuizen

Prof. Christi van der Westhuizen, Professorin für Soziologie an der Universität Pretoria stellte ihr neuestes Buch "White Nation & the Rise and Fall of the National Party" vor

Annual SAIIA-KAS Careers Evening (Gauteng)

Unlimited Paths with your Humanity Degree

The annual SAIIA-KAS Careers Evening informed learners and students what career opportunities a degree in the Humanities can open up. Students had the opportunity to meet potential employers and receive information about internships and scholarships followed by a high-ranked panel of speakers that have pursued their careers within the Humanities.

Politische Parteien in Südafrika

Stärkung oder Schwächung der Demokratie?

Am 21. August veranstaltete die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Africa Institute of South Africa in the Human Sciences Research Council und der University of Pretoria anlässlich der Veröffentlichung des Buches "Politische Parteien in Südafrika: Stärkung oder Schwächung der Demokratie?" eine Buchpräsentation an der Universität Johannesburg – neben den Veranstaltungen in Durban und Kapstadt, markierte Johannesburg die letzte Station, in der die neue Publikation unter Anwesenheit der Herausgeberin und partizipierenden Autoren einem interessierten Publikum vorgestellt wurde.

Political Parties in South Africa

Do they undermine or underpin Democracy?

Offering a new contribution to the assessment of the health of South Africa´s political system, the book launch held in Durban on July 25 gathered authors as well as an interested audience to introduce and discuss the new publication.