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KAS x SAIIA Careers Event 2024

Formative Futures

Youth unemployment in South Africa remains a critical issue, with recent statistics indicating a staggering 45,5% unemployment rate among youth (15- 35 years old). The situation is particularly acute for those holding humanities degrees, who may face the misconception that their educational background lacks practical value in the job market. However, in a world marked by rapid digitalisation, climate change, and shifting geopolitical landscapes, the skills cultivated through humanities education are more essential than ever.

Live stream

FW de Klerk Foundation’s Coalition Government Conference


In the lead-up to the 2024 elections, the FW De Klerk’s Constitutional Programmes team launched their election series, which aimed to provide insight into the intricate fabric of South Africa’s democracy.

Expert conference

Reflections on the 2024 general election: The youth’s perspectives.

Spotlighting the youth's perspectives.

KAS-CANRAD invites you to a seminar to discuss the general election outcomes.



How can constitutional rights of those excluded from voting be protected?

A Conference organised by the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International law (a Centre of the University of Johannesburg) funded by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.


30 years of democracy in South Africa (German only)

Coalitions as an opportunity for a new culture of governance?

Live stream

DDP Multi-Party Forum (Livestream)

Unpacking political party manifestos for the 2024 General Elections: On Health Care, Safety & Security

Live stream

FW de Klerk Foundation Annual Conference (Livestream)

South Africa at 30 - Looking Back, Looking Around, Looking Forward


Has the African National Congress lost touch with South Africans? The party over people

A Daily Maverick Live Journalism Webinar

Book presentation

South Africa's Easy Election Guide: Who To Vote For in 2024? 

Johannesburg Launch

Book presentation

South Africa's Easy Election Guide: Who To Vote For in 2024? 

Cape Town Launch

Asset Publisher

A Roadmap for Sustainable Biofuels and Bioenergy in Sub-Saharan Africa

Inter-Disciplinary Experts Group Meeting

The expert workshop organized by the University of Stellenbosch Development and Rule of Law Programme (DROP) and supported by KAS focused on the scientific, political and legal aspects of sustainable biofuels and bioenergy for Sub-Saharan Africa.

Collective Bargaining and Labour Relations in South Africa

Mail&Guardian Critical Thinking Forum

The question “What needs to change to create jobs and prosperity for all?” was the focus of the Mail and Guardian Critical Thinking Forum on Wednesday, 3 December, organized in collaboration with KAS.

Die Entwicklung von Werten in Südafrika

Eine Diskussion mit Schülern der Deutschen Schule Johannesburg

KAS und die Deutsche Schule Johannesburg (DSJ) organisierten eine Diskussion über die Entwicklung demokratischer Werte in Südafrika. Die Schüler nutzten dabei die Gelegenheit kritisch zu debattieren sowie die Arbeit der KAS kennenzulernen.

Governing Water Resources in a Time of Drought

Policy Solutions for National and International Water Regimes

South Africa is currently experiencing the worst drought in many years, yet our political and econonmic challenges are still taking precedence. With this backdrop, KAS, in collaboration with the Centre for Environmental Rights (CER), invited water experts and practitioners to a workshop on the topic 'Governing water resources in a time of drought'

The Development of Values in South Africa

KAS-SAIIA Alumni and Network Dinner 2015

On the evening of the 30th of November, 20 KAS-SAIIA alumni and partners reunited at the annual alumni and network gathering. The theme for the evening was the development of values in South Africa. A dinner speech was held by Professor Hennie Kotzé, of the Centre for International and Comparative Politics at the University of Stellenbosch, focusing on the latest results of the World Values Survey 2013. A discussion followed, in which relevant issues relating to democracy, values, and politics in contemporary South Africa were raised.

Health Services Innovation for Africa

The Launch of Stellenbosch Good Governance Forum (SGGF)

After the KAS-supported launch of the Stellenbosch Good Governance Forum (SGGF), SGGF und KAS organised a conference on "Health Service Innovation for Africa" to promote the development of innovative strategies and their implementation to meet the challenges of public health care in Africa.

South Africa's Insurgent Citizens

DDP Public Forum

KAS partner Democracy Development Program (DDP) hosted a forum on 'South Africa's Insurgent Citizens' which offered a platform to explore the rise of insurgent citizenship in South Africa given recent student protests.

Discourse Café 14. Oktober 2015

Am 14. Oktober 2015 lud die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung gemeinsam mit ihrem Partner, dem Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert Institut zu einem Discourse Café an der Universität Stellenbosch ein. Zu Gast war dieses Mal die südafrikanische Schriftstellerin Antjie Krog, die vor allem durch ihren halbfiktionalen Roman „Country of my skull“ international bekannt wurde. Das Buch, wie auch die meisten ihrer anderen Werke, setzt sich mit der Aufarbeitung der Apartheidsgeschichte Südafrikas und der Arbeit der „Truth & Reconciliation Commission“ auseinander.

Alte Muster aufbrechen - Transformationsbewegungen an südafrikanischen Hochschulen

Das Thema "Transforming South Africa's Tertiary Institutions" stand im Mittelpunkt eines Films mit anschließender Diskussion, zu der die Konrad Adenauer Stiftung gemeinsam mit ihrem Partner Youth Lab eingeladen hatte.

Scaling The Social Economy for Greater Impact

Annual Conference on the social Economy

The theme for this year’s annual conference on the social economy was “scaling the social economy for greater impact”. The conference was hosted at the WITS Business School and it was co-organized by KAS, Centre for Entrepreneurship of the Wits Business School and the People Bottomline which focused on exploring the challenges related to scaling of the social economy in South Africa. Scaling is considered as one of the most antagonistic topics as far as social economy is concerned and this conference was indeed efficacious.