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Country Reports

Survey Regarding the Israeli Attitude to the EU and Its Member States

A current survey in Israel shows the country’s growing support for Germany and Chancellor Merkel, in addition to Israeli support for the European Union, its political leaders and NATO.

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The latest representative survey, carried out by the Keevoon Research Cooperation in collaboration with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel from 1st-5th of April 2009, revealed that Germany and its Chancellor, Angela Merkel, are regarded very positively by Israeli citizens (56% / 65%). 62% of Israelis are of the opinion that Merkel, Germany's first female Chancellor, has improved the country's international reputation. Moreover, 69% of Israelis favour Israel's entry to the EU. 76% of Jewish Israelis support Israel's entry (compared with 75% in 2007), while only 40% of Arab Israelis endorse it.

54% of Israelis are in favour of NATO entry, although significant differences between Jewish and Arab Israelis exist (61% endorsement as opposed to 19%). 54% of Israelis support the deployment of NATO troops to the West Bank and Gaza to carry out peace-keeping duties. However, differences between Jewish and Arab Israelis also emerged as regards this issue (62% as opposed to 24% respectively).

The large majority of Israelis believe that the new Israeli government should make the economy, and not foreign policy, its top priority (61% as opposed to 12%). 60% of Israelis believe that Germany has a particular obligation towards Israel on account of the Holocaust, whereas 31% disagree with this. Interestingly, 36% of Arab Israelis believe that Germany has this specific obligation. Furthermore, the survey revealed that 40% of Jewish Israelis have a right to European citizenship if one of their grandparents was born in a European country. 54% of the Israelis questioned stated that the EU’s dedication to a two-state solution as the only way to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict increased their support for the EU.

Dr. Lars Hänsel, Director of KAS’ Israel office, on the results of the survey: “The results show that Germany and the EU member states continue to play an important and central role in Israel. We are glad to see such significant support for EU countries and their initiatives. We are convinced that German-Israeli relations are strong and sustainable, and, as the KAS, will continue to work towards their further consolidation.”

Please click on the PDF symbol above to see the full results of the survey.

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Dr. Alexander Brakel


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