

Coping with COVID-19: International Perspectives

Eighth session: Ukraine

Fear, uncertainty, changes, disruption… These are the best words to describe today’s picture of the world. The Coronavirus has not left any country untouched and has already affected the lives of millions of people. Lockdown or open borders, quarantine or free movement, #stayathome or #donotpanic, indifference or calmness, anxiety or discretion, exaggeration or cautiousness? What is currently happening around the world? What strategies are the national governments adhering to? What is the public attitude towards the present situation? In this series of online discussions, we will explore these questions with the country office directors of KAS as well as discuss the pandemic’s future implications on the economic, political and social life in their countries.



Coping with COVID - International Perspectives (Ukraine)
Tim B. Peters
Head of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Ukraine (Kyiv Office)

Brigitta Triebel
Head of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Ukraine (Kharkiv Office)

Questions and topics to be discussed:

• What was the country's socio-economic and political situation before the corona crisis?
• How does the situation in the country look now (statistics)?
• Actions from Government and Civil Society
• What is the public opinion towards the government and society’s actions?
• Are there any best practice examples for other countries to learn from?

If you need a translation from German to Russian, please, register to join us in Zoom:

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Jakob Wöllenstein

Jakob Wöllenstein

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Belarus +370 5 212 22 94 +370 5 2122294
