

" The working programme of the European Commission for 2004/2005"

Eine Vortragsveranstaltung, bei der Beobachter der neuen Mitgliedsländer, die der EVP-ED Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament angehören, über das Arbeitsprogramm der EU-Kommission für das Jahr 2004/2005 informiert wurden.




Im folgenden finden Sie den Redetext von Herrn Dr. Rudolf Strohmeier abgedruckt:

It's a great honour for me to speak to you tonight and also to have the opportunity to reward the KAS for its hospitality which I profited of so often.

The title of my contribution which was proposed to me was to cover the future term of the next Commission but I have chosen to limit myself to 2004/2005, because an outgoing Commission would never be so silly as to establish a working programme for a period where both the European Parliament as well as itself have to be re-elected or re-nominated beforehand.

There are however deadlines, etc imposed, falling within the term of the new Commission, which simply can't be neglected and which are already known now. On this basis the Council, for the first time, actually, has drafted a multi-annual strategic programme, covering the years 2004-2006. This fact can't be neglected by the Commission either, as the Commission has to present the respective proposals.

- New financial perspectives

Probably the most politically sensitive issue to be decided within this period will be the new Financial Perspectives for the period from 2007 onwards. The Commission will present its forecast now on February 10, but only as a College of 30, after the new Member States have joined, the concrete legislative proposal with figures.

Political agreement on the new financial package has then to be discussed by the newly-elected European Parliament and a political agreement should be found by the Council in June 2005 to allow final adoption of the legal texts and the detailed legislation under which it will be implemented.

- Ongoing accession negotiations and strategy for possible future accessions

Although the Club will enlarge to 25 Member States on 1st May, further enlargement will remain of particular interest. Taking into account that Croatia has already submitted its accession request, the Commission will probably give its avis to the European Council in June 2004, which should allow it to decide on the next steps in this regard.

It is still possibly that this Commission will have to conclude the accession negotiations with Bulgaria and Romania, but the latest Progress Reports indicated severe problems as far as Romania is concerned. And this Commission will have to present its report on whether Turkey fulfils the criteria for starting accession negotiations.

- Finalise the 2004 accessions

But let me return to the accession of the 10. A specific task in this context will be the adaptation of the existing programmes to the membership of the new Member States, as well as the monitoring of the application of Community legislation in the new Member States, including in particular:

·Enforcement of the acquits, especially in the areas of food safety, agriculture, environment, customs union, internal market, justice and home affairs, maritime safety;

·Implementation of the Schengen Facility and checking implementation of the relevant acquits on external border control by the new Member States;

-Adapting the framework of the enlarged European Union

Following the failure of the Brussels Summit on a Constitutional Treaty for the European Union, specific effort has to be attributed to this issue but this is less the case for the Commission than the Council/Member States.

Its outcome will however have a major political influence for the preparation of the EU's financial perspective for the period after 2006, including:

·Financial and legislative proposals for major spending programmes after 2006 (structural reform), a proposal on the Own Resources system and a draft inter-institutional agreement on the FP. The new College might be forced, also as a result of possible heals linked to EP’s agreement on the new Commission, to present a new proposal.

Updating, codifying and simplifying the acquits communautaire in line with the Better Regulation initiative will remain an ongoing exercise in the next years, too.

Going now more in detail the Commission identified two main objectives for 2004:

·To develop a stable and comprehensive political framework for cooperation with neighbouring countries in order to create an area of peace, stability and prosperity and to avoid new dividing lines in Europe subsequent to the enlargement of the Union.

·To develop internal EU policies that support stability and security, in particular consolidating progress towards creating an area of freedom, justice and security (completing the Tampere agenda) and to integrate those policies effectively in a coherent EU external action. Particular attention will be given to managing the common borders effectively, balancing tough action against illegal immigration with measures on the fair treatment and integration of legal immigrants, and further measures in the fight against crime and terrorism.

Under the first heading we find :

-European Neighbourhood Policy/Wider Europe

Creation of an enlarged area of peace, stability and prosperity encompassing the enlarged EU's eastern and southern neighbours, based on shared values, common interests and deeper integration.

·Prepare a series of action plans, starting with up to eight countries from Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean;

·Develop a framework for neighbouring countries with the prospect of having a stake in the Single Market, in particular in the area of transport, energy and telecommunications networks, while paying the necessary attention to the environmental aspects of such activities;

·Encourage greater EU political involvement in conflict and crisis prevention;

·More cultural cooperation and efforts to enhanced mutual understanding.

-Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe

Implement the decision of the May 2003 EU-Russia summit in St. Petersburg to develop four "common spaces" (economic, justice and home affairs, security, research/culture). Improve implementation of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreements with Russia and Ukraine, including in the area of Justice and Home Affairs on the basis of the action plan against organised crime with Russia and the JHA action plan with Ukraine.


Pursue the agenda agreed in Thessaloniki with the Balkan countries, prepare a partnership agreement, and feasibility studies on Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia-Montenegro in view of the Spring 2004 European Council.

Under the second priority for 2004 :

-Develop EU policies to support stability and security

I’ll start with the evaluation of the progress achieved in relation to the Tampere programme. We need to work with the Council to secure maximum adoption of proposals needed to create a European area of freedom, security and justice by the deadline of 1st May 2004.

·Present final evaluation of the implementation of the Tampere agenda and its impact, and orientations for the next stage in the development of the area of freedom, security and justice.

·Establish an agency to manage control of the external borders.

·Establish the legal framework for the second generation Schengen information system (SiS II) and the visa information system.

Implement new co-operation programmes with third countries in the area of migration and develop a balanced approach to immigration that both ensures the maintenance of high levels of employment and productivity and encourages better integration and fair treatment of legally-resident migrants in European societies.

Develop a policy for security of communication networks and information.

Continue action against international terrorism and bio-terrorism, and enhance European security measures in support of the St Petersburg tasks, including in the area of research.

The other subtitle of developing EU policies deals with :

Sustainable growth

Sustainable growth is a broad priority, covering the actions designed to promote and develop the European Economic and Social model (prosperity, economic convergence, social cohesion, environmental protection and a better quality of life).

The Commission's aim is to highlight certain aspects of this priority that deserve a particular focus in 2004. Its objectives are:

·To reinforce the effective delivery of the strategic policy goals already set for the enlarged European Union;

·To highlight a certain number of concrete actions that will help to deliver sustainable growth and improve the quality of life for European citizens;

·To improve economic and budgetary policy coordination between Member States to secure the smooth functioning of EMU, and

·To continue combating poverty and promoting sustainable growth in the wider world.

-Cross-cutting aspects of sustainable growth

Accelerate progress on achieving the goals set in the European Union's Lisbon strategy, with a particular emphasis on reviewing the strategy and the measures necessary to stimulate growth, competitiveness and employment, including investment in networks and knowledge, in a sustainable framework:

·Spring Report to the European Council assessing progress achieved and identifying problems requiring urgent implementation;

Prepare the next steps in the EU's sustainable development strategy, including;

·Review the internal and external policy dimensions of the EU's Sustainable Development Strategy, adopted at the Göteborg European Council in June 2001 and follow-up the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development and prepare for the next Commission its own SD strategy;

·Implementation of the EU water and energy initiatives announced at Johannesburg;

·Review of the rural development programs of the Member States.

-Sectoral contributions to sustainable growth

Investment in networks and knowledge:

·Develop European transport, energy and other infrastructure networks with a view to increasing the interconnectivity and sustainability of the enlarged European Union's economy;

·Develop the European Research Area and implement the action plan to increase investment in research and development in line with the 3% GDP objective and to attract adequate human resources in research;

·Support innovative sustainable and energy-saving technologies as well as efforts towards the long-term availability of appropriate energy sources and carriers;

·Advance preparations for the Galileo satellite, which will improve traffic management and reduce congestion and improve energy infrastructure monitoring;

·Review and adjust the eEurope 2005 initiative, in particular with a view to promoting the development and use of a European secure broadband infrastructure, and improve international management of the internet.

Integration of sustainability considerations into European Union policies, including:

·Present a Communication on the use of economic instruments to protect the environment;

·Present environmental thematic strategies (soils, pesticides, waste prevention and recycling) within the framework of the 6th Environment Action Programme, pursue the Community strategy on climate change and put forward an action plan on environment and health 2004-2010;

·Implementation of the second half of the Social Policy agenda as revised in June 2003.

-External dimension of sustainable growth

As a consequence of the failure of Cancun, the Commission will have to take part in WTO negotiations taking longer than 2005 and start or pursue ongoing regional or bilateral trade negotiations with partners such as Mercosur, Canada, the Gulf Cooperation countries as well as the ACP countries in the context of the regional Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations.

Prepare the mid-term review of the Cotonou Agreement, reflect on its revision, and prepare the successor to the 9th European Development Fund. Monitor implementation of the debt initiative and the Global Health Fund and implement the Action Plan on communicable diseases and reproductive health.

For 2005 the following decisions have to be prepared and taken:

1.Stocktaking of Barcelona Process (review our relations with the Mediterranean countries)

2.Possible review of Joint Statement on EC Development Policy

3.Mid-term assessment of the Lisbon Strategy

4.Adoption of a new Social Policy Agenda

5.Start of new Action Plan on Drugs

6.Revision of the Strategy against organised crime

In 2006 we have to tackle:

1.Finalisation of 3rd Northern Dimension Action Plan

2.Deadline for 0,39% ODA/GNI target

3.Adoption of the 7th Community Framework Programme for Research and Development

4.Mid-term review of the 6th Community Environment Action Programme

5.Adoption of new 3-year Broad Economic Policy Guidelines

6.Mid-term review of the Employment Strategy and adoption of new 3-year Employment Guidelines.

Thank you.


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Europabüro der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Avenue de L´Yser 11, 1040 Brüssel


  • Herrn Dr. Rudolf Strohmeier
    • Berater im Kabinett des Kommissions-Präsidenten Romano Prodi

      Dr. Peter R. Weilemann †

      _ The working programme of the European Commission for 2004_2005_



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      Europabüro Brüssel