

EU Briefing: After the Elections

Following the European elections, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the European Movement in the UK organised a panel discussion to debate the results and their implications across the European Union.


Held on the evening of 27th May, at One Great George Street in Westminster, the KAS-EM EU Briefing addressed the election results announced on Sunday 25th May across Europe.

The panel was comprised of:

Malcolm Harbour, former Conservative Party MEP (retired)

Peter Kellner, President, YouGov

Bjorn Kjellstrom, Head of London Office, European Parliament

Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Executive, European Policy Centre

Chair: Petros Fassoulas, Chairman, European Movement UK

The lively discussion involved a number of questions from the audience of almost 80 people, and addressed issues such as the potential tension between 'federalism' and 'subsidiarity', the selection of the next President of the European Commission, and the impact of the widespread success for 'anti' parties of various types.


