


The Foreign Policy in the EU

Autor: Einat Dasberg

The Formation of the Concept of Citizenship in the European Union

Autor: Nadav Chorev

The Protection of the Freedom of Speach in a Democracy

(Published in Hebrew)

The Short Term Social Costs Enlargement to Prospective Candidates

Autor: Or Raviv

Privatization and the Workers' Rights

Autor: Prof. Ben-Zion Zilberfarb

Nice Decision Making?

Autor: Maya Sion

The Changing Political Map of Israel

This volume is based on discussions at a conference held on November 5, 2001

The Quest for a regional Environmental Policy: Harmonization Measures and Rationale in the EU

Autor: Zecharya Tagar

Working Paper 29/2002

Konrad Adenauer for Reconciliation and Peace. Remembering the Past to build the Future.

Autor: Johannes Gerster

NATO and Kosovo: A War by Right?

Autor: Tal Dingott