

German-Italian interparliamentary workshop

Workshop on labour market

An Interparliamentary Workshop between German and Italian parlament members on the German Vocational Training and the labour market.



Italy is undergoing a stimulating but challenging period of reforms. One of the sectors that needs a deep rethinking is the labour market and its linkages with education. Besides the structural deficiencies of the Italian system, the financial and economic crises have made reforms in this sector all the more urgent.

The Italian Youth Intergroup has worked extensively on this subject because in Italy, in particular, the crisis has taken a huge toll on the young generations, which score a rate of unemployment over 40% among those that are under 30 years old. The reforms concerning the labour market should therefore look at those aspects that concern the youngs the most: the way young people are trained and equipped for their future job activity when they are in education, and the services that are available to them for the entrance in the job market.

In order to support and enrich our legislative efforts, we would like to compare the Italian situation with that of a country underwent a vast - and vastly debated - process of labour market reforms: Germany. We believe that the European space offers an incredible opportunity to compare legislative efforts as well as to learn from the experience other countries have had in implemeting reforms. The interparliamentary workshop is therefore aimed at comparing and analysing the German experience with the aid of German legislators in order to sharpen the Italian process of reforms on the labour market.


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Commissione Affari Esteri presso la Camera dei Deputati
Piazza Montecitorio,
00186 Roma



Dr. Christina Catherine Krause


Leiterin der Abteilung Internationale Politik und Sicherheit +49 30 26996-3445 +49 30 26996-53445

Patricia Liberatore

Patricia Liberatore bild

Projektkoordinatorin +39 06 6880-9281 +39 06 6880-6359



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Auslandsbüro Italien