




Kishida's Foreign and Security Policy Record and Japan's Direction Under a New Government

Hybrid Panel Discussion

Anlässlich der englischen Übersetzung von „Japan in an Era of Geopolitics: A New Foreign and Security Policy Direction“ (Michito Tsuruoka, ed.) veranstaltet die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Japan eine Podiumsdiskussion, die einen Rückblick auf die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik des scheidenden Premierministers Fumio Kishida wirft.



Japan's Expanding Strategic Partnerships

Seminar zur Entwicklung der japanischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik

Zur Vorstellung der Publikation „Japan in an Era of Geopolitics: A New Foreign and Security Policy Direction“ (Michito Tsuruoka, ed.) veranstaltete das Japan-Büro der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ein hochrangig besetztes Seminar über die Entwicklung der japanischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik.


Enabling an Equiverse: 4W's—Equal Access to Work, Wealth, Wellbeing and Welfare

International Leadership Conference

The conference with TalentNomics India will take place on the 10th and 11th of November and endeavours to provide a platform for leaders across sectors and regions, engaged in empowering women to come and share their insights.


A Better (Re)Start: The Future of Work for Young People


The Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS) of KAS Japan and the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF) are organising the conference, “A Better (Re)Start: The Future of Work for Young People”, which will discuss in-depth the trends and patterns within the Asian youth education and labour environment.


Women in Japan

Breakthroughs in Female Business Leadership

With the movement for gender equality gaining momentum around the world, the gender situation in Japan is drawing attention both domestically and internationally. KAS Japan will hold a series of events titled, 'Women in Japan', to explore current developments in Japan's gender environment. Our third webinar, 'Women in Japan: Breakthroughs in Women Business Leadership' will focus on the business aspect out of the three pillars of politics, business, and society. We will focus on Germany, a country which has historically similar views on gender roles to Japan but is more advanced in gender equality. Through Germany’s evolving policies, we can learn pragmatic and realistic next steps for Japan. During the webinar, we intend to discuss possible policy recommendations, which – once formulated – help to foster change to improve the current situation in Japan for future women business leaders. 


Women in Japan

Updating Gender Roles in Society

With the movement for gender equality gaining momentum around the world, the gender situation in Japan is drawing attention both domestically and internationally. KAS Japan will hold a series of events titled, 'Women in Japan', to explore current developments in Japan's gender environment. Our second webinar, 'Women in Japan: Updating Gender Roles in Society' will focus on the societal aspect out of the three pillars of politics, business, and society. We will look at Scandinavian countries (mainly Norway) that had been successful in their gender policy on the societal front and learn how they have achieved their current gender situation by comparing it with the present state in Japan. Through the webinar, we aim to make policy recommendations to foster change in the gender situation in Japanese society.


Deutsch-Japanischer Wirtschaftspolitischer Austausch der KAS

Wirtschaftspolitik angesichts einer anhaltenden COVID-19-Pandemie: Japanische und deutsche/EU-Strategien im Vergleich

Da die COVID-19-Pandemie scheinbar noch lange nicht zu Ende ist, besteht die Notwendigkeit, unseren Fokus von der Frage der Erholung nach der Pandemie zu den möglichen politischen Reaktionen im Rahmen einer anhaltenden Pandemie zu verlagern. Die erste Online-Veranstaltung der Reihe des Deutsch-Japanischen Wirtschaftspolitischen Austausches der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, „Wirtschaftspolitik angesichts einer anhaltenden COVID-19-Pandemie: Japanische und deutsche/EU-Strategien im Vergleich“, wird sich genau mit dieser „neuen Normalität“ befassen.


Path to Digitalisation for WSMEs- Policy Breakthroughs from Vietnam, South Korea and Singapore



Universe to Equiverse- Start the Ripple

International Leadership Conference

The conference, 'Universe to Equiverse: Start the Ripple', organised with TalentNomics endeavours to provide a platform for leaders across sectors and regions, engaged in empowering women to come and share their journeys and insights. We hope to build bridges between such leaders to increase the momentum of change. At the conference, we will also recognize some of those leaders who have created significant ripples in the area of gender equity.


Women in Japan: Current Roles and Expectations

Online Conference

With the movement for gender equality gaining momentum around the world, the gender situation in Japan is drawing attention both domestically and internationally. KAS Japan will hold a series of events titled, “Women in Japan,” to explore current developments in Japan's gender environment. In the first of our series, the “Women in Japan: Current Roles and Expectations” webinar will focus on providing an overview of the current gender environment in the three sections of politics, economy, and society.


Labour Mobility and Global Health Governance in Asia

Online Conference

KAS Japan organises an online conference in partnership with Leiden Asia Centre (LAC) and the IAFOR Research Centre (IRC). The conference aims to answer the main question: How has transnational migrant labour and global health governance in Asia developed amidst pandemics?


KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

2 June 2020

Discussion on green recovery from Covid-19 is quite active in Europe. Key messages are: 1. It is not an active debate in Japan. 2. A few examples in the economic stimulus package include financial supports to companies that will repatriate their production to Japan under a certain condition; to SMEs that will install high-efficiency ventilation equipment to their restaurants. 3. Green is not a strong voice, generally speaking. Watch the video to learn more!

KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 and globalization

COVID-19 is forcing a re-examination of globalization. As economies reopen, analysts have observed growing bias towards self-reliance and worrying trends on the politicization of travel and migration.

KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

26 May 2020

On Tuesday (May 25th) the Government of Japan lifted the state of emergency off from the remaining areas including Tokyo. In a press conference, PM Abe was proud to announce that “Japan model” showed its strength. Key messages are: (1) The general public had frustrations with the GOJ’s responses (i.e. late declaration of state of emergency, lack of PCR tests) (2) Asahi Newspaper reported that only 29% of the public support the Abe government. (3) GOJ will decide its 2nd economic package on May 27th. 1st and 2nd economic packages combined will make some 200 trillion yen in business scale. (4) Effectiveness of the economic and containment measures will be the key to a true success

KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

Asia's stimulus packages

Governments across Asia are releasing massive stimulus packages as COVID-19 pushes economies into recession.

KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

19 May 2020

On May 18, the Government of Japan released the Quarterly Estimates of GDP for January - March 2020. Key messages include: The first quarterly GDP stood at minus 3.4%, which was not as bad as expected. The figure for the second quarter is said to be some minus 20%, which would be worse than that when we had the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. GOJ may soon lift the state of emergency off from Tokyo as the new infection cases decrease to 100 or less day to day. Cabinet Office of Japan

KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

How Asia is reopening amidst COVID-19

Some Asian countries are beginning to ease lock downs and cautiously reopening economies amidst the threat of case resurgence.

KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

12 May 2020

GOJ extended the state of emergency to the end of May. As the Golden Week (Japanese national holidays in early May) ended, discussions on exit strategy has become active in the politcs. GOJ is likely to remove the state of emergency off from 34 prefectures. The infected cases has fallen to 100 or less in the past days. GOJ's criteria for lifting the state of emergency are: (1) Situations of infected cases in each prefecture (2) Situations of prefectural medical system (3) Function of monitoring system. Nikkei poll found 55% of the respondents were not in favor of GOJ's measures to Covid-19, 11 percentage points down from the previous one.

KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

28 April 2020

On April 27th, the Government of Japan finally submits emergency economic package to the National Diet. Japanese economy will keep facing economic challenges. Further measures to be taken by the country. Key messages include: 1) The Bank of Japan made a fiscally bold decision to abolish its cap to buy national bonds. 2) Political parties are figuring out how to fund rent expenses for SMEs. The oppositions are steps ahead. 3) The Government further upgrades its financial support to SMEs by paying practically 100% of leave allowances under certain conditions.

KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

21 April 2020

Government of Japan last week extended a state of emergency to all over the country and has made a major change to emergency economic package. Key messages include: 1. GOJ will pay JPY 100,000 to all citizens in the country instead of JPY 300,000 to families in financial difficulties. 2. Komeito, LDP's junior coalition partner strongly pressured PM Abe to change the plan. Usually, budgets stay as they are once approved by Cabinet. 3. This development was unusual and has cast shadow over PM's clout and leadership.

KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

14 April 2020

The Bank of Japan (BOJ) survey finds that business sentiments of large enterprises in the manufacturing industry fell to minus 8 points (-8). The Cabinet Office abandons the hope of recovery in their March 2020 report and admits that the Japanese economy is in a severe situation, the worse state in the last seven years. A high probability of negative GDP growth is projected by the Nomura Research Institute for the second quarter (April to June) of 2020.