




Kishida's Foreign and Security Policy Record and Japan's Direction Under a New Government

Hybrid Panel Discussion

Anlässlich der englischen Übersetzung von „Japan in an Era of Geopolitics: A New Foreign and Security Policy Direction“ (Michito Tsuruoka, ed.) veranstaltet die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Japan eine Podiumsdiskussion, die einen Rückblick auf die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik des scheidenden Premierministers Fumio Kishida wirft.



Call for Papers: "Digital Trade in Asia"

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s (KAS) Social and Economic Governance Program Asia (SOPAS) invites submissions for unpublished papers on digitalization’s impact on trade.


COVID-19 and the Future of Doing Business in Asia

The COVID19 pandemic has caused massive disruption and volatility to the global economy. The loss of lives and livelihoods has pushed governments to intervene significantly in response to the outbreak while businesses are adapting to the rapidly changing needs of their people, consumers, and suppliers. As the world contends with the outbreak, countries in Asia have pioneered containment strategies, shaped new protocols, and restarted economic activity. As businesses in the region resume economic activity, Asian companies are in a unique position to define and structure the “new normal.” What will the “new normal” look like? How is COVID19 reshaping the dimensions that define the future of doing business in Asia? Focus countries include the following: (1) China, (2) Japan, (3) Singapore, (4) South Korea, (5) Philippines, (6) Vietnam


Digitalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Women in Business

KAS Japan/Social and Economic Governance Program Asia (SOPAS) in partnership with Woomentum is conducting a research on the impact of digitalization to women entrepreneurship. Empowered women with digital transformation and innovation are key agents in building more stable and resilient communities, reducing poverty and stimulating greater social and digital economic growth. Ministries, private companies and other relevant stakeholders get confronted with challenges and opportunities in response to the changes in digitalization and gender equality. The research hopes to shed light on those opportunities and provide insights to address the set challenges to all stakeholders.


“Design and Democracy” Plenary Panel Discussion

Social and Economic Governance Programme Asia (SOPAS) co-organized panel at ACAS/ACCS2020

A Plenary Panel Discussion on "Design and Democracy" presented at the 10th Asian Conference on Asian Studies (ACAS2020) and the 10th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS2020) jointly organized by KAS SOPAS and IAFOR.


Tokyo Conference 2020

Genron NPO event / February. 29th at Nikkei Hall and March 1st at Tokyo Prince Hotel

The Tokyo Conference is the most influential high-level track II dialogue on international challenges and global governance in Japan


US-Japan Relations under Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe

DIJ KAS Roundtable

US-Japan relations form a core element in Asian regional security and a central pillar of the international trade regime. The quality of the relationship has always been shaped by the personalities representing the two countries. Shinzo Abe, Japan’s now longest-serving prime minister, has been keen to establish good personal ties with Donald Trump, whose “America First” policy implied a major shift in the US approach to regional and global issues. This roundtable will discuss the changes that US-Japan relations underwent since the beginning of Trump’s presidency and analyze the regional and global implications.


Social Economic Policies Asia (SOPAS) 2020-2022 Cycle

Inception Workshop and Programme Launch

The Social Economic Policies Asia (SOPAS) is a regional forum that contributes to the debate and reform of economic and governance models in Asia. It brings together a network of policy makers, economists, political analysts and thought leaders across Asia-Pacific to discuss emerging issues, propose policy alternatives and share best practices.


Track 1.5 Japan-Germany Security Dialogue Public Forum

A public forum on the Track 1.5 Japan-Germany Security feature a panel discussion where policy practitioners and experts from both Japan and Germany will speak about security issues in both countries, as well as the regional situations in Europe and Asia.


The EU and Japan

Really getting things done?

The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and the EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) were concluded in 2018 and have now entered the implementation phase. What kind of concrete steps have the EU (and its member states) and Japan taken to strengthen cooperation, coordination and synergies in view of both agreements’ ambitious agenda? This 1-day conference accompanied by a public forum/panel addresses these question and pinpoints common areas of interest where EU and Japan cooperation could make a difference. The conference, thus, will besides assessing progress, analyse likely areas for cooperation. The purpose of the conference is to move the process and come up with suggestions for the next steps to take.



Diversified diplomatic ties are a major goal for the EU and Japan. In near future both partners aim for sustainable relations in the political and economic sector. Therefore KAS Japan office and EJARN organize an international conference.


Great Power Rivalries in the Global South

Navigating Financial and Economic Security Issues in a Multi-Polar World

During March 22-24, 2024, the Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC) organized an international symposium in Istanbul, Turkey, funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York and Konrad-AdenauerStiftung (KAS). The symposium brought together 29 leading experts and practitioners in international finance and foreign policy from Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America to exchange ideas, break silos and forge connections.

NPI-KAS Seminar zu Wirtschaftlicher Sicherheit

Am 20. Februar organisierten das Auslandsbüro Japan der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) und das Nakasone Peace Institute (NPI) gemeinsam ein Seminar zum Thema "Wirtschaftliche Sicherheit: Eine deutsche Perspektive". Das Seminar fand als Folge der im Dezember letzten Jahres zwischen dem NPI und der KAS unterzeichneten Absichtserklärung zur Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der wirtschaftlichen Sicherheit statt und wurde von japanischen Parlamentsmitgliedern sowie Regierungs- und Ministerialbeamten besucht.

Launch of Trade Sentinel: An Early Monitoring Mechanism for Trade Policy and Related Changes in South Asia

The Trade Sentinel ( will fill important gaps in monitoring trade policy actions for South Asian countries. It seeks to provide real time alerts, trends, and analysis of trade investment policy changes. This tool and this topic are more and more important for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), through the Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS) to contribute to the discussion shaping important developments in international trade.

Fostering the Equiverse: Building Inclusive Urban Spaces for Women in South Asia

The roundtable, ‘Fostering the Equiverse: Building Inclusive Urban Spaces for Women in South Asia’, took place on 6 March 2024 at the India International Centre in New Delhi. It was co-organised by TalentNomics India and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s (KAS) Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS). The primary objective of this roundtable is to identify actionable issues hindering women’s equal access to education, work, and well-being in urban spaces.

ISAS-KAS Workshop: The IPEF and the Contours of Economic Security in the Indo-Pacific

On the 1st of March 2024, KAS Japan, in partnership with the Institute of South Asian Studies NUS (ISAS), hosted an engaging workshop building on the insights shared in the recent publication "The Making of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF)". The workshop brought together a diverse group of experts from the Indo-Pacific region and beyond for an insightful exploration of key topics on economic security in the area. This document summarises the comprehensive discussions and analyses presented during the event, providing a valuable resource for understanding recent developments and gaining nuanced insights into the topic.

Besuch einer Delegation der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion

Vom 7. bis 9. Februar hatte das Auslandsbüro Japan der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) die Ehre, eine Delegation der CDU/CSU-Mitgliedern des Deutschen Bundestages unter der Leitung von Dr. Johann Wadephul, dem stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, in Japan zu empfangen und ihnen Gelegenheiten zum Meinungsaustausch mit japanischen Abgeordneten und Experten zu bieten.

Unterzeichnungszeremonie des MoU zwischen der KAS und dem Nakasone Peace Institute

Am 6. Dezember 2023 bestätigten das Auslandsbüro Japan der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) und das Nakasone Peace Institute (NPI) in einem Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ihre Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der wirtschaftlichen Sicherheit.

Shaping an Equiverse: Pathways to Parity

The International Leadership Conference “Shaping an Equiverse: Pathways to Parity”, jointly organised by TalentNomics India and KAS SOPAS in New Delhi, India, was held in person on November 24th, 2023.

LDP-CDU Parteiendialog

Vom 30. Oktober bis zum 1. November unternahmen Dr. Carsten Linnemann, Generalsekretär der Christlich Demokratischen Union (CDU), und Herr Philipp Birkenmeier, stellvertretender Bundesgeschäftsführer der CDU und Leiter der Hauptabteilung Politik und Programm, eine Reise nach Japan, um sich mit japanischen Parlamentariern und Regierungsvertretern auszutauschen.

Joint Forum “Japan and EU Connecting in the Nexus of Security and Development“

On October 24 and 25, the Japan office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) hosted a forum on “Japan and EU Connecting in the Nexus of Security and Development” with the EU-Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN). Experts and government and ministry officials from Japan and Europe attended the forum.