
Studien- und Informationsprogramm

Dialogue Program for Representatives of the Centrist Democratic Party (CDP) of the Philippines to Cambodia


The Dialogue Program will focus on the development of party platforms/programs, organization and legal frameworks for political parties.



The aim of the program is to support the exchange of information and experiences on political party development of the Centrist Democratic Party (CDP) of the Philippines with relevant Cambodian political parties. The exchange between key party representatives from both countries strengthens party ties and helps them to better understand the challenges and experiences parties are currently confronted with.

The CDP is a newly-established party in the Philippines with the goal to improve the democratic process in the Philippines and consolidate the country’s rule of law. The party’s recent achievements and challenges provide a great opportunity for information and experience exchange with other political parties in ASEAN.

The Program is divided into several workshops, meetings and a press conference surrounding among others the following topics:

•Political party development, including internal organization structures on local, national and regional levels, program development, transparent funding mechanisms and recruitment policies

•The role and establishment of successful political party youth wings

•Responsibilities and activities of political parties at local level for local democratic development

This exchange on party work, party structures and party programs is important for the democratic development of all levels of government since it serves as a tool to improve democratic local and national governance through the strengthening of quantity and quality of activities of political parties.


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Phnom Penh


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Auslandsbüro Kambodscha