
Studien- und Informationsprogramm

Dialogue Program on Climate Change Adaptation for local decision makers from Cambodia

Improving the Local Resilience Strategies of Cambodian Provinces and Local Communities

To improve the understanding of government efforts in regards to climate change the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organizes a Dialogue Program on Climate Change Adaptation for local politicians and decision makers from Cambodia.



The government of Cambodia has been making visible efforts to improve the country’s resilience to climate change by complying among others with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol.

It has also been selected as a pilot country in 2007 for the European Commission’s Global Climate Change Alliance, a platform for dialogue and exchange of experience between the European Union and developing countries on climate change. In this context, the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance was launched in 2010 aiming at creating the enabling conditions required for Cambodia to respond to the challenges and opportunities posed by climate change.

Despite these efforts the capacity of Cambodian local governments to implement financial and human resources in order to deal with challenges related to climate change adaptation remains low.

To improve the understanding of the nature of multi-level government efforts in this regard, the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with KAS Cambodia organizes from the 24th of May to the 31st of May a Dialogue Program (see attached) on Climate Change Adaptation for local politicians and decision makers from Cambodia.

In Brussels the Cambodian delegation will establish contact with the European Union to better understand the responsibility of the EU to develop policies and action plans for climate change adaptation. There, the members of the delegation will have the opportunity to meet representatives from the European Institutions working on climate change and will be informed about funding opportunities for projects in the area of climate change adaptation. The delegation will then continue their trip to Germany and Poland, where it will discuss the challenges and solutions of local strategies and adaptation measures with national and local government representatives and experts, to better cope with the consequences of climate change.


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Belgium, Germany and Poland


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Auslandsbüro Kambodscha