

Political Challenges for Civil Society and Media Organizations in Cambodia

"Designing 3 year cooperation priorities between Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and its key Media and Civil Society Partners”

In cooperation with its partners Buddhism for Development and the Club of Cambodian Journalists, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stifting organises a workshop to exchange information on the key challenges Civil Society and Media currently face in Cambodia.



The key Objectives of the workshop are

  • to understand and exchange information on the current political environment and its implications for Civil Society Organisations and Media to play their role effectively
  • to strengthen Partners understanding on KAS country program cooperation priorities/objectives with Cambodia from 2013-2015
  • to strengthen cooperation and understanding between KAS and the partners through reviewing recent achievements/challenges in the activity implementation
  • to improve cooperation between KAS and partners through refreshing the understanding of the organization’s current and future challenges in terms of financial sustainability, human resource capacity and challenges to respond to KAS administrative and financial procedures
Expected Outcomes

  • to agree on 3 years cooperation priorities with each partner
  • to agree on Activity Plan/Budget for 2013 for Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and partner activities
  • a detailled guideline for the management of future KAS/Partner cooperation
  • a Draft Plan and budget for capacity building for KAS staff for the year 2013 is developed


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Auslandsbüro Kambodscha