

Training von Bürgerberatern im Opfer- und Zeugenschutz

Ausbildung für das Khmer Rouge Tribunal und darüber hinaus

32 Bürgerberater werden aus den Provinzen Kompong Cham, Kratie, Prey Veng und Siem Reap zum zweiten mal im Opfer- und Zeugenschutz für das Khmer Rouge Tribunal und darüber hinaus beim Khmer Institute of Democracy (KID) ausgebildet werden.



Der Schwerpunkt der Ausbildung liegt in der Standardisierung von Opfer- und Zeugenschutz. Die Teilnehmer werden eine Einführung in die rechtlichen Strukturen des Zeugenschutzes in Kambodscha generell und speziell beim Khmer Rouge Tribunal erhalten. Zwei Tage werden für die psychologische Schulung hinsichtlich von Interviewführung aufgewendet. Das Programm ist nur in Englisch erhältlich:


For the Citizen Advisors Training

" Victims Participation and Victim/Witness Protection ";

from 3rd - 7th March 2008;

at the Khmer Institute of Democracy, Phnom Penh;

Group I: 33 CA's,


1.MONDAY 3rd March 2008


7:30 - 8:00

- Registration and distribution of learning materials

- Overview of Agenda

- Mr. So Hoeun

- Explaining outreach

- Mr. Nou Va and Ms. Johanna

8:00 - 8:30 Opening Ceremony

8:30 - 9:10

- ECCC Updates

- ECCC Representative

- Question and Answer Period

9:10 - 9:30



Up-dates on trial activities

- Mr. Heang Sarun


- Pre-Test

- Mr. So Hoeun



- Mr. Nou Va and Ms. Johanna

- ECCC Outreach Representative

Ms. Andrea Gros

- Honourable mentions

- General good points (methodology)

- Group discussion- difficulties

- Questions to Ms. Andrea

11:00 - 11:30Review of previous lesson

- Mr. So Hoeun



13:45 - 14:10

- 2 minute CA Presentations (8 groups) (25 minutes to prepare):

- What is the purpose of the ECCC?

- Is Uncle Soy a victim within the jurisdiction of the ECCC?


- How does Uncle Soy participate in the ECCC?

- How are victims and witnesses protected at the ECCC?

- How does Uncle Soy submit a complaint form?

- What is the difference between being a complainant and a civil

party? Please provide an example.

- What is a witness? Give an example of a witness who may testify at the ECCC?

- What types of reparations can civil parties ask for?

- How can Uncle Soy learn more about the trials?


14:50-15:30Victim and Witness Protection

- Mr. So Hoeun

- Definitions

- Why we need to protect witnesses

- What dangers might witnesses face?

- Laws

  • International Standards
  • International Laws
- UN Operating Policy

- Supplementary Agreement on Security and Safety

- ICC Standards

  • ECCC Internal Rule
  • Protective Measures Practice Direction
15:30 - 15:50Break

15:50 - 17:00Victim and Witness Protection

- Mr. So Hoeun

- Laws con't

  • Practice Direction issued by MoJ
  • Code of Criminal Procedure
- Rights and Obligations of a Witness

- How can witnesses be protected?

  • pre-trial, trial, and post-trial phases
Continuation of Victim and Witness Protection lesson

- Procedure for Protective Measures at the ECCC

- Units at ECCC

  • WESU - Organizational Chart/Management
  • Victim's Unit
Questions and Answers on the lesson

(Outreach contracts handed out)

2.TUESDAY, March 4th, 2008


7:30 - 8:15Victim and Witness Protection Case Studies

- Mr. Ngeth Sovannith, Mr. So Hoeun

-Uncle Soy

-Uncle San

-Uncle Say

-Auntie Kolab

8:15- 9:10Films for Outreach

- Mr. Nou Va

Discussion about previous film- groups- did people understand

it? What did people like about it? What did people dislike?

Introduction of CDS Film, "It Is Time to Seek Justice"

Introduction of Mr.Va's Film, "Who is the Victim?"

Questions and Answers about Film

9:10 - 9:30Break

9:30 - 11:00Victim Information Form Filling

- Mr. Ngeth Sovannith

- ECCC Representatives

- Ms. Andrea Gros

- Mr. Balazs Maar

- Explanation of Form (and changes)

- Brainstorming advantages/disadvantages of each type of information-sharing

a) storytelling

b) complaint

c) civil party application

-Question and answers

11:00-11:30Post test on Victim and Witness Protection

- Mr. So Hoeun

11:30 - 13:00Lunch


13:15 - 14:00Travel to ECCC

- whole team

14:00 - 16:30

- Introduction to the WESU

- their structure

- questions and answers

- Introduction to the Victim's Unit

- their structure

- questions and answers

- A walk-about the court rooms and grounds

- General question and answers

16:30 - 17:30Travel back to KID

3.WEDNESDAY, March 5th, 2008

TPO Training


7:30 - 7:45

7:45 - 9:10

9:10 - 9:30Break

9:30 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:45Lunch


13:45 - 14:00

14:00 - 15:30

15:30 - 15:50Break

15:50 - 17:00

4.THURSDAY, March 6th 2008

TPO Training


7:30 - 9:15

9:15 - 9:30Break

9:30 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:45Lunch


13:45 - 15:30

15:30 - 15:50Break

15:50 - 17:00

4.FRIDAY, March 7th 2008


7:45 - 8:30Review of Outreach Agenda

- Mr. Nou Va and Ms. Johanna

- Topics and materials provided

- Structure of session; review of effective outreach


- Assistance to interested ECCC participants


- Detailed overview of outreach contract

- Mr. Nou Va

- Definitive outreach schedule for each CA

- Contractual obligations; reporting

9:10 - 9:30Break

9:30-10:45The CHRAC Collective

- CHRAC Representative, Christoph Sperfeldt

- KID Confidentiality

- Mr. Ngeth Sovannith

Victim Information Form Filling

- Mr. Ngeth Sovannith

- Quizzing

- Role Play

10:45-11:30Mock CA Problem Presentation Preparation (in 6 groups)

- Mr. So Hoeun

10:45-10:55Group One Presentation

10:55-11:05Group Two Presentation

11:05 - 11:15Group Three Presentations

11:15-11:25Debrief on Presentations

11:25-11:35Group Four Presentation

11:35 - 13:45Lunch


13:45 - 14:05Group Five Presentation

14:05-14:25Group Six Presentation

14:25-14:40Trainers' Presentation

14:40-15:00Evaluations (filled by CA's)

15:00-16:00Signing Contracts for Outreach Program and Deliver Budget


16:00-17:00Closing Ceremony and snack outside



Zum Kalender hinzufügen


KID, Phnom Penh


  • Dr. Helen Jarvis
    • Direktorin des Public Affairs Office des Khmer Rouge Tribunals
  • Mr. Wolfgang Meyer
    • Landesvertreter der KAS
  • Mr. Hang Chhaya
    • ED-KID
  • Johanna Macdonald
    • PM-KID

Wolfgang Meyer

Leiter des Auslandsbüros in China (Beijing)

