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Tag der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 2021

„Politik und Vertrauen“

Die Arbeit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung im Kontext von Partizipation, Repräsentation, Sicherheit und Innovation


KAS Virtual Launch of Business Heroes in Kenya

Social Ecological Market Economy

In reference to the aspect of Social Market Economy, KAS Kenya ventured to follow the journey of one Kenyan Business Hero Dr. Maxwel Okoth, founder/CEO Ruai Family Hospital, RFH Healthcare Ltd, who shares his experiences in setting up his business despite the various challenges encountered. The film will thus further enhance experience sharing and discussions on how best to integrate the SEME aspect in the country.


Mentorship Training based on the evaluation

On the 2nd-4th of April, 2019, KAS, Kenya held a mentorship training in Mombasa, with 17 young politicians. It was a follow up on previous mentorship programs, where mentors and mentees have been taken through the process of understanding their rights, the importance of political participation, as well as getting engaged in political actions on the ground. Overall, more than 850 mentees have benefitted from the program so far, countrywide. The program further trains and strengthens the mentees in organizing and conducting their own mentorship programs as a trickle-down effect.


Use of early-warning systems:Gathering information, technical instruments, engaging government.

The CSOs trained earlier particularly the ToTs and other facilitators will be assisted by KAS to put the knowledge learnt into action by engaging in community level trainings, this time round, in light of the ongoing government budgetary process.


KAS Kenya Retreat with select political parties.

The forum will create opportunities for pre-selected political parties that are potentially partners of KAS Kenya to share their political parties beliefs vis-à-vis KAS Kenya’s work,their manifestos,activities and gaps therein.


Development of strategies to integrate data from early-warning-systems into mid-term political planning.

The Workshop seeks to expand the political space on the use of data from EWS in planning within the area of food security in Baringo and West Pokot.


Round-Table: Which framework does Kenya need for virtual markets?

The aim of the round table discussion is to stimulate discussions between entrepreneurs, politicians and IT-experts on the potential design of a framework for virtual markets in the country and this is the first of many discussions to take place.


Training on raw material-extraction in Turkana-Capacity building in project-planning for local CSOs.

The aim of the training is that civil society organisations (CSOs) and the youth would become active stakeholders in the definition of the project and its effects on their livelihoods.


Early-warning systems and resilience against drought: challenges and solutions.

This activity will provide an interesting dimension towards promoting sustainable solutions to food insecurity by pitching the idea of accountable governance at the community level by community groups.


Strengthening the role of county representatives in the implementation of the National Anti-Drought Strategy (EDE)

Strengthen the concept of contingency plan and drought preparedness for the forthcoming dry spell Jan-March and assess the socio-economic and demographic status and to build context information on early warning through contingency planning process.


The Role of Residents vis-a-vis the National and the County-Government

4th of April 2014, Amagoro

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), partnered with Teso District Residents Association (TEDREA) in supporting this activity to empower residents to demand for accountability from their elected leaders by extension own their own development Agenda. Devolution has worked in South Africa; it can also work in Kenya. Additionally through this workshop residents would stand a great chance especially the women and youth to assume leadership right from the grassroots.

The Role of Rural Women in Policy Making

3rd of April 2014 Kodedema Village

The good governance from a gender perspective requires more than women in politics. It requires fundamental incentive changes to orient public action and policy to support gender equality rights.

Enhancing Public Participation in County Governance

13th -14th of March 2014

Even though the Constitution has expressly provided for public participation in governance processes at both national and county levels of government, there has been very minimal citizen participation and/or involvement since the promulgation of the constitution. As we transit into a fully devolved system of governance where planning, coordination, budgeting, execution, monitoring and evaluation will be done at county level, enhanced citizen participation shall be critical in order to ensure transparency and accountability.

Konsultatives Forum junger Parlamentarier mit Vertretern nationaler Jugendorganisationen

In Zusammenarbeit mit der Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association (KYPA) und der Youth Agenda führte die KAS am Montag, den 3. März, ein konsultatives Forum mit jungen Parlamentariern und weiteren Vertretern nationaler Jugendorganisationen durch. Anwesend waren u.a. Johnson Sakaja, Vorsitzender der Partei The National Alliance (TNA) sowie die Senatorinnen Naisula Lesuuda und Kanainza Nyongesa Daisy. Organisationen wie Youth Alive, Jamhuri Peace Foundation, das National Democratic Institute, der National Youth Council und die Kenya Muslim Youth Association waren ebenso anwesend.

Workshop for County Assembly Members on Land Laws

23rd-24th of January in Kitale

The issue of land, its ownership, use and management is a highly emotive one in Kenya and was one of the key issues that drove the need for a new constitution. Following lengthy deliberations and a comprehensive public participation process, a new constitution was promulgated on 27th of August 2010. The Constitution sets out principles governing land and also requires all laws relating to land to be revised, consolidated and rationalized within certain timelines.

Training zur Energieeffizienz

am Beispiel des Bausektors und der Nahrungsmittelindustrie in Kenia

Von 27.-29. November 2013 fand an der Strathmore University in Nairobi ein Energieeffizienztraining an statt. Zu den Teilnehmern zählten Mitarbeiter wichtiger kenianischer Unternehmen wie „Tropical Heat“, „Ketepa Tea“ und „Sarova Hotels“.

Studien- und Dialogprogramm für Multiplikatoren aus Kenia

Inlandsprogramme der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Im Rahmen eines vom Team Inlandsprogramme organisierten Besucherprogramms besucht in dieser Woche die o. g. Delegation in Begleitung von unserem Leiter des Auslandsbüros in Kenia, Dr. Karsten Dümmel, Berlin und Leipzig.

"Mehr Transparenz bei den Wahlen 2013"

KAS-Büroleiter Karsten Dümmel in Kenia zu den politischen Entwicklungen in den vergangenen Jahren

Kenia hat seit den Wahlen 2007 Fortschritte im judikativen Bereich erzielen können. „Es gab eine umfassende Justizreform und vor einigen Monaten wurde eine Polizeireform in Gang gesetzt“, sagte Dr. Karsten Dümmel, Leiter des Auslandsbüros in Kenia der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung zur heutigen politischen Lage Kenias bei der Neuauflage des außenpolitischen Gesprächskreises der Akademie in Berlin.

Junge Parlamentarier und Vertreter verschiedener Jugendorganisation zu Gast im KAS Büro Nairobi

Konsultatives Forum

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hat unter der Federführung des Länderprogramms Kenia ihr erstes Treffen zwischen jungen Abgeordneten und Vertretern von 20 verschiedenen Jugendorganisationen in Nairobi am 29. Juli 2013 abgehalten. Das Treffen wurde organisiert von Hon. Zuleikha Hassan unter der Mitwirkung von Hon. Isaak Mwaura und Hon. Johnson Sakja sowie den Vertretern von NDI, the Inter Party Youth Forum, the National Youth Council und the Youth Senate Kenya.

Consultative Forum for the Civil Society Actors in the Lower Eastern

On Entrenching Constitutionalism and Devolution Processes

The idea of this workshop was to highlight the expectations and responsibilities of the citizens in the new government.