



Derzeit sind keine Veranstaltungen geplant.



Partnership for Reform and Growth

Konferenz in Kooperation mit KAS Marokko und AHK


L’Union européenne et le Maghreb

Training für Studenten und Aktivisten aus dem Maghreb in Kooperation mit der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen und der Asko-Stiftung


Transformations in the Maghreb: Perspectives from Tunisia

Seminar in cooperation with KAS Spain and Elcano Royal Institute


The New EU Agenda for the Mediterranean: Renewing Partnership and Creating Opportunities

Online seminar, 22 April 2021

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised an online closed seminar entitled "The New EU Agenda for the Mediterranean: Renewing Partnership and Creating Opportunities" which was held on ZOOM on 22nd April, 2021.

Sudan and Libya: Geopolitics and Conflict Linkages

Online roundtable, 25 March 2021

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in collaboration with the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime organised an online closed roundtable discussion entitled “Sudan and Libya: Geopolitics and Conflict Linkages” which was held on ZOOM on 25th March 2021.

UNITAMS in Sudan’s Shifting Transition

Online Seminar

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised an online seminar entitled “UNITAMS in Sudan’s Shifting Transition”. The virtual event was held on ZOOM, on March 18, 2021 and broadcasted live on Facebook.

AI in Armed Conflicts in the MENA Region

The efficiency and ethical consideration of UAVs

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised an online seminar entitled “AI in Armed Conflicts in the MENA Region: the efficiency and ethical consideration of UAVs”. The virtual event was held on ZOOM and streamed on Facebook on 18th February 2021.

Recent Developments in the Eastern Mediterranean

Online Seminar, February 17, 2021

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung jointly organised with the Turkish Foreign Policy Institute, an online seminar entitled “Recent Developments in the Eastern Mediterranean”. The virtual event was held on ZOOM, on February 17, 2021.

25 years later: How do young people perceive the Barcelona Process?

Online Seminar, 10 December 2020

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised, in partnership with the Union for the Mediterranean, an online seminar entitled “25 years later: How do young people perceive the Barcelona Process?”. The virtual event was held on ZOOM and streamed on Facebook on 10th of December 2020.

The Impact of COVID-19 on The South Med Region

Online Seminar - December 15, 2020

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung jointly organised with the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association, an online seminar themed “The impact of COVID-19 on the South Med region”. The virtual event was held on ZOOM and broadcasted via Facebook on December 15, 2020.

AI in Cyber Warfare: A New Challenger in The Mediterranean Battlefields

Online Seminar, 17 November 2020

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung jointly organised with the Institute for Prospective and Advanced Strategic and Security Studies IPASSS an online seminar entitled “AI in Cyber Warfare: A New Challenger in The Mediterranean Battlefields”. The virtual event was held on ZOOM and streamed on Facebook on 17th of November 2020.

The international politics of Sudan’s transitions

Online Seminar, 27 October 2020

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised an online seminar on the International Politics of Sudan's Transition. The virtual event was held on ZOOM and streamed on Facebook on October 27, 2020.

The Mediterranean Women Digital Summit

MED Women Shaping the Internet

Für die dritte Ausgabe des Mediterranean Women Digital Summit kamen Expertinnen, Unternehmerinnen und Aktivistinnen aus dem südlichen Mittelmeerraum und Europa in einem einzigartigen hybriden Format mit einem Hauptkonferenzstudio in Tunis zusammen. Vom 28. bis 29. September 2020 wurde diese besondere Ausgabe über die Stellung der Frauen im Internet gehalten und es wurde darüberhinaus diskutiert, wie diese den digitalen Raum für eine umfassendere sozioökonomische Entwicklung der Region nutzen können.