



Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus Meeting

Substantive Representation of women in Asian Parliaments: A Comparative Study”.

This year, continuing the discussion on The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the AWPC caucus met to discuss the findings of our of our recent publication “Substantive Representation of women in Asian Parliaments: A Comparative Study”.

Election Bridge Asia-Pacific Conference 2023

Election Campaigning in Times of Crises

The past years have been challenging because the pandemic crisis has exposed both the strengths and weaknesses of different political regimes, but what remains steadfast is the resolve of governments, parties, politicians, and the people to continually seek for fresh and strong legitimacy in governing the public, more so in solving the crisis. This year's Election Bridge Conference looked deeper on how certain issues influenced campaigns such as the impact of the pandemic, geopolitical ramifications, growing economic inequality, increased political polarization and infighting within political parties.

The Next Digital Decade: Post Pandemic Future(s)

First in-person workshop in Singapore since the pandemic

This workshop was the first international in-person event organised by DAH and KAS, after more than two years of Zoom-based collaboration. Together, we took stock of the many technological, societal, economic, and political changes in the past decade, to imagine and speculate on the possible futures of a world more centered on people and the planet.

Moving into Our Digital Futures

Online Launch Event of the Volume II of The Next Digital Decade: Case Studies from Asia

Together with Digital Asia Hub, KAS has published two volumes of the edited series The Next Digital Decade: Case Studies from Asia. In order to celebrate the launch of the publication, two online events have been planned. The second event “Moving into Our Digital Futures”, which took place on 30 September 2021 via Zoom platform marked the launch of the second volume of the series.

Digital Asia Future

Launch event of the Volume I of The Next Digital Decade

Together with Digital Asia Hub, KAS has published two volumes of the edited series The Next Digital Decade: Case Studies from Asia. In order to celebrate the launch of the publication, two online events have been planned. The first event “Digital Asia Future”, which took place on 23 September 2021 via Zoom platform marked the launch of the first volume of the series.

Asian Democratic Leaders' Alliance (ADLA) Official Launch

Advancing Democratic Leadership and Governance in Asia

Congratulations to the Asian Democratic Leaders' Alliance (ADLA) for the successful launch of the network!


5th German-Asian Business Dialogue

In Asien wird über die Zukunft der internationalen Ordnung entschieden

Dieser Bericht ist nur auf englisch verfügbar. Bitte wechseln Sie in die englische Sprache über das Menü oben.

KASYP Virtual Discussion Series 2020

Session 03: Future of International Cooperation Post-COVID-19 Pandemic

The third installment of the KASYP Virtual Discussion Series 2020 focused on the future of international cooperation in post-COVID-19 pandemic. The objectives of this particular discussion were to examine the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on international cooperation, to project the economic changes in international trade, official development assistance and world norms post-COVID-19, and to identify new ways of cooperation in order to continue the economic and political developments of Asian countries.

KASYP Virtual Discussion Series 2020

Session 03: A Conversation on Building 'New' Normal in the Philippines and Indonesia

The second session of the KASYP Virtual Discussion Series was successfully conducted on September 26, 2020 via Zoom video communication platform with the theme: A Conversation on Building Inclusive 'New' Normal in the Philippines and Indonesia.

75 Jahre Vereinte Nationen

Die Zukunft der VN, Politikberatung und Think Tanks: Unsere Zukunft Gemeinsam Gestalten

Zum 75. Jahrestag der Gründung der Vereinten Nationen veranstaltete das Think Tanks & Civil Societies Program der University of Pennsylvania am 6. Oktober eine digitale Konferenz zur Zukunft der Vereinten Nationen. An der Konferenz, die Teil der globalen Feierlichkeiten war, nahmen über 500 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Think Tanks aus allen Regionen der Welt teil. Vertreterinnen und Vertreter führender Think Tanks waren eingeladen, ihre Analysen aktueller transnationaler und internationaler Herausforderungen vorzustellen, ihre Erfahrungen in der Zusammenarbeit mit den Vereinten Nationen zu teilen und Empfehlungen für die zukünftige Kooperation von Think Tanks und den Vereinten Nationen abzugeben. Auch die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung war eingeladen, ihre Analyse und ihre Arbeit vorzustellen. Gleich zwei Mitarbeiterinnen der KAS, Andrea Ellen Ostheimer, Leiterin des Büros der Stiftung in New York, und Dr. La Toya Waha, Mitarbeiterin des Regionalprogrammes Politikdialog Asien in Singapur, waren auf den beiden Panels der Veranstaltung vertreten. Zum Abschluss der Veranstaltung richtete sich Under-Secretary-General Fabrizio Hochschild Drummond an die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer, um über ihre Rolle bei der Erneuerung der Vereinten Nationen zu sprechen.


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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.