
CRISP - Crisis Simulation for Peace e.V

Crisis Simulation for Peace e.V
CRISP is a nonprofit organisation founded in Berlin in 2007. It specialises in advancing civic education, conflict resolution, and peacebuilding initiatives globally. With a commitment to fostering democratic participation and social cohesion, CRISP engages in diverse projects empowering individuals and communities to address complex societal challenges. CRISP facilitates dialogue, capacity-building, and knowledge exchange on various fronts by utilising innovative methodologies and collaborative approaches. From grassroots initiatives to international partnerships, CRISP emphasises sustainable development, good governance, and cross-cultural understanding. It is dedicated to promoting peace, democracy, and inclusive societies.
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The Decision Support Center

The Decision Support Center (DSC) was established in May 2016 as part of Saudi Vision 2030. It functions as an independent advisory body, offering evidence-based insights for policy development. DSC strives to excel in various fields, including social and economic public policy, economic intelligence, behavioral sciences, decision sciences, and future insights. Its core functions include research, knowledge dissemination, and capacity building in specialized areas. Ultimately, DSC supports informed decision-making, aligning with the principles of Saudi Vision 2030.
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en.v ist eine im Jahr 2008 in Kuwait gegründete zivilgesellschaftliche Organisation. Sie zielt darauf ab, soziale Verantwortung und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit in der arabischen Welt zu fördern. Durch gemeinsame Anstrengungen und gezielte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, will die Initiative das Bewusstsein für drängende soziale Fragen steigern und führende Entwicklungsinitiativen in der Region fördern. In seinen Programmen fokussiert sich die Initiative deshalb vor allem auf drei Hauptbereiche: Bildung, Umwelt und den Aufbau von Kapazitäten, mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt auf Jugendarbeit, zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen wie Vereine und soziales Unternehmertum.
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The Gulf Research Center

grc logo
GRC was founded in July 2000 by Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, a Saudi businessman. Dr. Sager's vision was to fill an important void and to conduct scholarly, high quality research on all aspects of the wider strategic Gulf region including the GCC countries as well as Iran, Iraq and Yemen. GRC operates on an independent, non-profit basis. Its belief is that everyone has the right to access knowledge, so it has made all its research available to the general public through publications, workshops, seminars, and conferences. As a non-profit organization, GRC injects all income back into new programs and activities.
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Smart Investment Gateway

Leveraging their deep understanding of Oman's diverse sectors and proven track record of comprehensive economic studies, Smart Investment Gateway (SIG) unlocks hidden investment opportunities for individuals and Think Tanks. As trusted advisors on policy frameworks, SIG helps governments make informed decisions by providing insightful socioeconomic studies and impact analyses. From market navigation to exceeding client expectations, SIG empowers your investment journey with comprehensive solutions and invaluable insights across investment, finance, and the wider economy. Partner with SIG and unlock Oman's vast potential – contact us today to embark on your transformative journey.
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